I've got a few question regarding the new release and the going normal (or jump).
I've been practising the toss out and that works great for me as
a) it gets me out of jail with my long backswing (try handle dragging with a long swing - impossible)
b) I manage to draw my driver now, before that I was fighting a slice with the driver
c) it simplified my swing as all I am thinking of is to toss it out
What I am missing is the jump. I am practising Michael's table top drill with the hands going below the table and I think I understand that part. But in a normal swing with the out-toss I am hitting the ball clean ( most of the time anyway)
Does that mean I have to squad down more (btw I am 6 ft 1 and I remember Brian saying in the video that taller players might not have to pull the stick out of the ground) to be able to make the jump? When would you squad down, at address, at the beginning of the backswing or in the transition to the downswing? I've tried the last option but the downswing is too short to squad down and jump up again.
I've tried squatting down right from the start but strangely enough I started topping the ball (overdoing the jump?).
I could just forget about the jump but I need all the distance I can get especially with my driver.
When I do the drill for going normal from the video I often shank the ball. Any idea what I am doing wrong there?
I've got a few question regarding the new release and the going normal (or jump).
I've been practising the toss out and that works great for me as
a) it gets me out of jail with my long backswing (try handle dragging with a long swing - impossible)
b) I manage to draw my driver now, before that I was fighting a slice with the driver
c) it simplified my swing as all I am thinking of is to toss it out
What I am missing is the jump. I am practising Michael's table top drill with the hands going below the table and I think I understand that part. But in a normal swing with the out-toss I am hitting the ball clean ( most of the time anyway)
Does that mean I have to squad down more (btw I am 6 ft 1 and I remember Brian saying in the video that taller players might not have to pull the stick out of the ground) to be able to make the jump? When would you squad down, at address, at the beginning of the backswing or in the transition to the downswing? I've tried the last option but the downswing is too short to squad down and jump up again.
I've tried squatting down right from the start but strangely enough I started topping the ball (overdoing the jump?).
I could just forget about the jump but I need all the distance I can get especially with my driver.
When I do the drill for going normal from the video I often shank the ball. Any idea what I am doing wrong there?