Start-up Swivel for Swinger

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BM or Others:

BM: I asked a question during last chat about obtaining the start-up swivel for a swinger. I have tendency to take it back (like an angled hinge), thus a bit shut at the top, then either hold on or horizontal hinge coming down (fore left at times). You mentioned having a good pre-swing waggle helps and asked about using Ben's waggle. Wanted to see if you could explain a bit in words and/or answer one more question: do you have a preference of having the swivel start right away in start-up (at end of start up swivel has already taken place) or have the swivel be gradual to the top?



Brian Manzella

A waggle and a start-up swivel.

I HATE the idea of using the TERM "Start up swivel."


Because the LAST THING most golfers need to think about—or try to do—is to OPEN THE CLUBFACE ON PURPOSE right away on the backswing.


Because most golfers DO IT ALREADY—and never square it up on the downswing!

Now, having said that, if you NEED to open the clubface early in the backswing (what a start-up swivel IS in english), then by all means—do it.

Why would you NEED TO?

Because the clubface—left alone in a "swing"—will turn itself BACK to square and then to closed on the downswing of a good motion.


How do you do it?

Keep the LABEL of the shaft in the SAME orientation TO THE GROUND as you take the club back.


Brian, what about "fanning."

Better not pivot much while you do it, or BELOW the plane you go.:eek:

What about the Ben Doyle/Hogan/Manzella waggle?

Oh, you mean a REAL waggle?

Bend your right wrist straight back, while you bend your right arm toward your right rib cage, while you TURN your left palm toward your right leg.

Keep your HANDS in the same "location in space," while you do it.

There is more to the REAL WAGGLE then that, and deserves its own video.

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Brian Manzella


I like the term.....but I know what it is.....if u don't know the GM stuff it's useless.

I love most "Golfing Machine" terms.

But words mean things to golfers, and this term is very dangerous to some golfers.

For better players, fine.

But percentage-wise, it is a dangerous thing.

Of course, if you have a REAL STRONG grip, and a VERY SMALL #3 accumulator angle, and you THROW with your WRISTS from the top, you'd better "start-up swivel.";)

Having said that, I do it as we speak, and most of my best students do as well.

It is something that almost all good players do—at least SOMEWHAT—but, remember:

"most good players..."
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