static or progressive ball position

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i personally believe in the progressive ball position, as club is different length, and weight, and therefore requires a different angle of attack. however numerous players use the static position. this i believe problems ocur witht the longer clubs, as the ball is not forward enough, and with the shorter clubs, as it is too far forward. these require manipulations such as lateral moves and and sways. any1 have contrasting views?

Brian Manzella

THE answer.

The answer is:

It is not that simple.

Ball Position, Aim, and Plane Line orientation, are all VERY inter-related.

Plus, the amount of hip slide, axis tilt, stance width, pivot rotation, etc, needed for a specific golfer to accomplish his or her pattern, are also factors.

I will say this as well:

There isn't that much difference from club-to-club relative to the left shoulder at address, with the same golfer using the same pattern.
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