Steve Elkington range session looks smooth!

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Tumble would be my guess. He has an above the TSP backswing and a super late reverse tumble by burying the right side under which is why, IMO, he rolls the face pretty hard from inside out. This makes those phony finishes look a bit contrived.

Elk is still awesome, watching him at the PGA was great. He seems to always be grinding at something but I'll bet his Trackman path/face numbers hardly ever change.
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So because of the pop out/arm lift/clubface more open move to the top he has to have the right side leg drive to get back under enough, then over roll the face to square up the face in time?



Nice .. looks like my swing ... but only at the Finish ....:D


Elk has never been a long hitter for his size.He has a similar swing philosophy to Faldo.Nick liked to have quiet hips and felt he controlled the swing using his shoulders.Elk did something similar.From the top he wanted to unwind the shoulders first before the hips do because the shoulders are turned ninety degrees whereas the hips are only turned forty five degrees at the top of the backswing.He felt the shoulders needed a head start to catch up for the swing to be in sync.

The result is that both Elk and faldo does not have very open hips at impact and are not very long as a result.I am in no way saying that they could have done better with more open hips.This method may indeed suit them better.
Tumble would be my guess. He has an above the TSP backswing and a super late reverse tumble by burying the right side under which is why, IMO, he rolls the face pretty hard from inside out. This makes those phony finishes look a bit contrived.

Elk is still awesome, watching him at the PGA was great. He seems to always be grinding at something but I'll bet his Trackman path/face numbers hardly ever change.

what's consider as regular TSP backswing? anybody in PGA you can reference?


@ ej20 ... interesting observation, particularly for Faldo, who was not a long hitter even after rebuilding his swing with Leadbetter. Accuracy, yes .. distance, no.

Perhaps it was because he was a proponent of "same swing for all clubs" ... and this caused him to limit his driver distance ... ya think??

As for the hip position at Impact, wouldn't you think that wide open hips are a result of very high hip velocity and therefore a big generator of momentum that cannot be fully released without opening the hips a lot ..???

That is, the more open your hips at Impact the faster your hip turn. Faldo and Elk have slower hip rotation and that's the reason they don't generate enough kinetic energy for distance. I suspect both can speed up their hips, but then their accuracy would suffer.


Faldo had a long, rhythmic swing with lots of lower body lateral movement before seeking out Leadbetter. He gave up distance when he changed it.


@ natep ... yup ... big drive into the rough and then trying to hack it out with a 9-iron ... or ... a shorter drive in the fairway and a 7-iron to the pin .... choose yer poison ...;)


Yeah......they used to call him FOLDO in the British tabloids 'cause he could never close the deal.
they should make a show call desperate golfers, with Tour Player that never won any tournament. Featuring Brian Manzella and his team.


Faldo and Elk probably spend more time experimenting on the range than we could imagine.They know what is best for them in order to play to the best of their ability.

Not everyone can use their hips as hard as they want.
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