Straightening the right leg!

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On quite a few Old pics, Byron, Hogan, Snead, Nicholas

these guys all have a Straight right leg on the back swing and some even lift the left foot.

I am constantly told not to do this as I loose Torque and power.

What's the stance with TGM on the right leg ?

I have good flexibility but tend to straighten the leg (by habit ) I guess..

Is is something I should not be too worried about...?

Apologies if this has been asked many times,,,


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
There is nothing wrong with this AS LONG AS it doesn't make you reverse pivot. Most players who do this straighten the leg and then the backswing pivot goes to poop because all of a sudden they start leaning too far to their left and their right shoulder gets too high.

So as long as the backswing pivot is solid and you don't let the right knee LOCK OUT, there is nothing wrong with it straightening a little. I do it and i hit the ball just fine.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
Straightening the right leg allows maximum participation

Excellent for maximum snap ---- trigger delay

I straighten my right leg on backswing (standard knee action in tgm chapt 10)

Treat my right leg like a wooden peg, backstroke feels like pressure from weight on wooden peg as I withdraw right hip

If someone held my right leg on backstroke they wouldn't feel an ounce of pressure

Standard knee action exceelent for swinging and I recommend it highly

I am constantly told not to do this as I loose Torque and power.

As we say in the UK, that is absolute bow locks...:)

Probably the longest hitter in the world straightened his right leg on the backswing (and rotated his hips over 45*)..

As you get older and lose a bit of backbone flexibility, it is an absolute boon to still be able to perform a full backswing, which you can do if you let the right leg straighten and your weight sit on top of it on the backswing.

As Jim says though, straighten, but don't lock it back fully. So you can tell the difference, if you stand up straight and then push your knees back as far as they will go, THAT is LOCKED. So don't ever extend the leg that far.

In fact it is probably better to say "extend" the right leg, rather than "straighten." It gives a better picture.

Straightening the right leg is also known as "posting" in that it then acts as a post (doorpost or gatepost if you like) that you can then pivot your lower body around on your backswing. And vice-versa for the forward swing.

Have fun...:)
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Brian Manzella

Straightening the right leg allows maximum participation

Excellent for maximum snap ---- trigger delay

I straighten my right leg on backswing (standard knee action in tgm chapt 10)

Treat my right leg like a wooden peg, backstroke feels like pressure from weight on wooden peg as I withdraw right hip

If someone held my right leg on backstroke they wouldn't feel an ounce of pressure

Standard knee action exceelent for swinging and I recommend it highly

Hall-of Fame Post!

Great job, Michael.
On quite a few Old pics, Hogan, these guys all have a Straight right leg on the back swing and some even lift the left foot.

What's the stance with TGM on the right leg ?

I have good flexibility but tend to straighten the leg (by habit ) I guess..

Is is something I should not be too worried about...?

Apologies if this has been asked many times,,,


Hi Patty,

It's a choice to straighten, and how much. Brian prefers more straightening. I've had shared success with degrees of straightening, and currently straighten more so than in the past.

Regarding Hogan:
Courtesy of a bunch of folks here, I have dozens of pics with Hogan having a knee position similar to a right anchor. It also has been delighfully debated on the Hogan trail knee whether it was straight, straightening, or remained flexed. Hogan's book suggests it retains its angle. In other words, no straightening. IMO, Hogan has some degree of straightening, but if I were to choose, it would be closer to right anchor.

As far as max trigger delay, I don't yet understand how a straighter leg would help to better promote max trigger and certainly am open to gettin it as I continue the education process.

My thoughts are as long as the trail leg does not wobble, the weeble will work its magic...

and what about the snap professor himself, Hogan?
i tend to straighten my right knee.. i did this without realising and someone mentioned this and that it should remain bent.. good to hear it is a common thing and accepted practice.. it feels more natural for me to straighten the knee
When the right knee straightenens your body also raises up. This is not mentioned much. Not going to pretend to say i know what problems this can cause but i am confident raising your levels isn't recommended.


When the right knee straightenens your body also raises up. This is not mentioned much. Not going to pretend to say i know what problems this can cause but i am confident raising your levels isn't recommended.

Hip rotation would accommodate the straightening of the right leg, so the body would not raise up. It would help promote a fuller hip turn.

When the right knee straightenens your body also raises up. This is not mentioned much. Not going to pretend to say i know what problems this can cause but i am confident raising your levels isn't recommended.

Your hips tilt to counteract this......C7 swing circle stays at the same level...
Hi Michael (Jacobs),

I really enjoyed your video. I'm confused by the statement though that "If someone held my right leg on backstroke they wouldn't feel an ounce of pressure." With most of your body weight on your right leg at the end of the backswing, how couldn't someone fell pressure in your leg (e.g. tightness in your thigh muscles)? I must be missing something here? Thanks again for your contributions.
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