Strong Finish Position

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I hit the ball utterly fantastic today by making sure that I finished so strong that I re-wrapped the club around my body at the end so much that I could see it pointing back at the target line with my right eye peripheral vision just before I recoiled. I would make sure that I saw the club head for a split second before I straightened my spine back upright.

I was mimicking Tiger's finish here:

Since every move requires a preparatory action, I guess my body was doing something right at impact to prepare for that finish position. I was crushing it with a little draw.

What was I likely accomplishing?


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Most likely just good swings and good alignments.

It is my opinion (that is un-founded and un-proven) that a great balance finish is a RESULT of a proper swing and alignment. If your plane/swing/alignments/etc were OFF you won't finish well. You can even see it on tour, when they don't finish just right they haven't hit the ball solid.
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