thing is i do this, and i know other good players that do it also. thing is we all (including me occasionally
) hit the ball pretty well. what ti find when i then go on the range and stick a club down or at a driving range with all the straight lines, i start pulling'hooking it like crazy.
is aiming 'straight' really imortant as long as it allows you to trace a straight plane line?
Your basic swing is a bit off...
just as an exercise (on the range).. try this,
Take a stance with your right foot pulled back, so the toe is level with the middle of your left foot (in relation to the TRUE target line)...you may need to narrow your stance a little to feel comfortable...
Your hips will be closed to the target line, but align your shoulders parallel to the target line...
make your normal swing...
I used this stance for a season about 14 years ago when I had a bad back. It allowed me to hit the ball with a slightly "pull" swing, as hard as I wanted...without pulling the ball or hurting my back....the result was one of the best seasons I have had...
Let me know how you do,,,
ps. you may need to adjust your ball position a bit...basically I used to take everything off the inside of the left foot...