Sutaining "Lag"

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Need help on sustaining lag that is generated during backswing pivot. This is a problem that causes me to lose the flat left wrist at impact.Particularly on swings that are approaching a full backswing. I have recently begun TGM and have had one lesson from an A.I. Video shows significant clubhead throwaway. I have played this way for about six years and have achieved an index of 7.3. Anyone else have this problem First time poster.Thank you all.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Take a mid iron and put a tie a towel around the hosel.

Make very slow backswings and downswings with it.

You will feel the lag on your right index finger and if you release early or flip nothing will work.


I have been working out at a gym and one of the excercises I do is getting into the hitting area and pulling down to impact using a pulley system and a moderate weight. I find that this has helped me with getting the feeling of lag in my hands. The pulley system is one where the pulley is quite high up so that there is an inclined downward angle to the cable. I have found this exercise also teaches you to use the body for leverage in the swing as well as strengthening the core golfing muscles. Give it a go and while you are about it drag a heavy wet mop to cultivate lag. Feel your self dragging/pushing against that dead weight inertia.
Wow. why make it so complicated, it really IS simple "drag/scrape the leading edge of the blade on the turf". Do it as a practice swing and then replicate that feel with a ball. You will find that your wrists and hands have very little work to do and in fact the less they do the better.

Do it slow;
do it fast;
Do it in bed;
Do it in your head;
Do it at dawn;
Do it on the lawn

As Johnny Miller says "BRUSH THE GRASS"
Hue----my sons High School Golf coach here in N.Dak asked me for an old steel golf shaft to do similar exercises, but I think he was also going to work on the "take away" with weights?
I can see merit of your Right Forearm angle of approach / Lag via pulley weights, but feel he has a chance to mess with a bunch of kids swings if done wrong.......

anyone have any thoughts or advice to pass along on this subject........I think he is looking at it in terms of strengthening exercise rather than working on Lag etc

thanks for any input
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