Sweet Swings

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Hi there.

I am new to this site and have been reading the forums over the past few days with much interest. I decided to post a swing of a player who really impress with his ball striking. Amazing how one can really hear the ball being compressed with some of the pure strikers. Hope this is OK with Brian to post this and would love your comments. Would love to hear who you all think are the purest strikers of a gold ball out there on the various Tours. I might post one of a promising 15 year old that already has over 120 Miles per hour clubhead speed with his Driver at a later stage! Unbelievable Dynamics...?

sweet swings

just curious what is the name of that golf course and where?? i think Tom Purtzer has a sweet swing and Elk also...
I like his back swing motion and the alignment of his hands at the top. Any chance that this player uses right arm participation to power his swing?

I think that ballstriking is dead on tour.
He does use right arm participation during the downswing. He does create tremendous lag and delofts his irons quite some.
Just that he arches his left wrist a lot in his backswing and transition. A bit laid off bringing the club to the ball, but it's a very nice swing.
Sweet swing. What level he play at Kwagga?

The only thing I see that sticks out to me is an out of line shaft at impact. He's not the only guy who does that tho.

BTW Ringer he's laid off I think cause it's not a full backswing. I'm sure you must know how this works already tho.
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Birdie Man, Ringer.

Thanks for your responce. He is a mini Tour Player going To Q-School at the end of the year. Can you please explain what you mean by out of line shaft at impact. He is currently hitting around 13/14 greens in regulation per round as per his stats, really impressive ball striker as mentioned before.

I'm not sure whether or not it's from the "frame-overlap" in this video....(and I suspect it could be).....but what I mean is it looks like he still has "wrist cock" at Impact. I don't think I know well enough to comment on it beyond me saying it's something that "stands out." Though as I said, I've seen it before in tour-level swings.

i.e. his right forearm looks lower than the clubshaft.

Here is a picture I've lifted from somewhere else on the net.....courtesy of David Orr:

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
His swing isn't laid off, he's pretty much at the turned shoulder plane MAYBE if you are "nickpicking" he might ever so slightly under it. However there's a REASON for it. Because of his abrubt shift to the elbow plane along with a maximum trigger delay type position.

Actually i've changed my mind, his through the ball position with that iron is fine. He looks like he's going too far right at impact because of his maximum trigger delay position however if you stop the video after impact in the follow through his hands are way left and the clubhead is still going "down the line." The only you can do that is if you are swinging the proper amount left. Otherwise you won't "look" like that.

If he can putt he will breeze through q-school imo.
Jim I'm not saying it's bad, lots of players shift planes by starting at the TSP and dropping to the elbow. He doesn't quite complete the full motion to bring the club back pointing to the target, then just drops his hands down. It's laid off but not bad. I just called it unique. The really really arches wrists are quite unique too. I agree with you... if he has any short game it should be smooth through the Q.
His swing isn't laid off, he's pretty much at the turned shoulder plane MAYBE if you are "nickpicking" he might ever so slightly under it. However there's a REASON for it. Because of his abrubt shift to the elbow plane along with a maximum trigger delay type position.

Actually i've changed my mind, his through the ball position with that iron is fine. He looks like he's going too far right at impact because of his maximum trigger delay position however if you stop the video after impact in the follow through his hands are way left and the clubhead is still going "down the line." The only you can do that is if you are swinging the proper amount left. Otherwise you won't "look" like that.

If he can putt he will breeze through q-school imo.


Thanks for the responce. It does look like he is swinging to right field too much approaching impact but as you said his hands go left very quickly thereafter which is the giveaway. I will maybe post some more swings as I think the forum participants should post more of their own or friends swings so we can all have a crack and learn from each other.

P.S -Brian your videos are obviously very popular. I think you should find time to do some more.

I'm not sure whether or not it's from the "frame-overlap" in this video....(and I suspect it could be).....but what I mean is it looks like he still has "wrist cock" at Impact. I don't think I know well enough to comment on it beyond me saying it's something that "stands out." Though as I said, I've seen it before in tour-level swings.

i.e. his right forearm looks lower than the clubshaft.

Here is a picture I've lifted from somewhere else on the net.....courtesy of David Orr:

So Birdie Man.

Are you saying you would delag him on the downswing somewhat?
Nawwwwwwwww(wwwww)....merely is something that caught my eye. Like I said I'm not qualified enough to comment on it beyond mentioning it.
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