Sweetspot & Attack Angle

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Why is it that when I handle drag and hit down on my irons that I can hit more "solid" shots than when I don't handle drag and pick the ball more? Is it due to the fact that when I deloft the club that I bring the sweetspot closer to the ball somehow (just a guess)??


For me it was just that I was more comfortable swinging that way. Now I have the opposite. And I like it.
Here's an interesting one:

I have hit some mega mega mega sweetspot + ideal shaft deflections (sweet as a nut baby) out of fairway bunkers recently which I have not even got close to from the fairway or from the tee.

Any ideas why?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I also have hit some awesome fairway bunker shots, especially one with a 3wood that I'll try to draw upon whenever I have that shot in the future.
Here's an interesting one:

I have hit some mega mega mega sweetspot + ideal shaft deflections (sweet as a nut baby) out of fairway bunkers recently which I have not even got close to from the fairway or from the tee.

Any ideas why?

My guess: in the fairway bunker, you are concentrating more on keeping your body still/stable throughout the swing.


Why is it that when I handle drag and hit down on my irons that I can hit more "solid" shots than when I don't handle drag and pick the ball more? Is it due to the fact that when I deloft the club that I bring the sweetspot closer to the ball somehow (just a guess)??

how are you defining "solid"? Assuming you aren't measuring smash factor and related on a trackman, how does your ball flight differ? Probably lower and more distance, maybe with a bigger divot. Does this equal solid for you? Just wondering.


Here's an interesting one:

I have hit some mega mega mega sweetspot + ideal shaft deflections (sweet as a nut baby) out of fairway bunkers recently which I have not even got close to from the fairway or from the tee.

Any ideas why?

I'd also suggest reduced body effort, so less pull on the handle (and more control over the clubhead?) Also, what kind of shot do you normally try to hit from that lie (picked clean). And how much lip was on the bunkers - were you trying to get it up quickly? All possible factors.
how are you defining "solid"? Assuming you aren't measuring smash factor and related on a trackman, how does your ball flight differ? Probably lower and more distance, maybe with a bigger divot. Does this equal solid for you? Just wondering.

Solid = I know it when I feel it! My ballflight is much, much lower, easily a club different and a bigger divot. I play the draw that comes from the handle dragging. Not sure if I'm willing to give up one club of distance. I might be straighter, but by giving up a club I might also be less accurate. Handle dragging 8 iron vs. New Release 7. Don't know which one is more accurate for me.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
You shouldn't lose distance. Actually ought to be a gain. I thought the same thing. Trackman proved me wrong.

Smash factor, club head speed and ball speed are all much better.
I wonder if the dynamic loft I deliver would be drastically different. I severely deloft with my handle dragging and love a low, boring shot. I don't know if the improvements in smash factor and spin loft are enough to counter the loss of dynamic loft, but I would love to find out. Need to get a lesson to get this move down correctly.
Didn't Brian talk about "solid" somewhere? I am going on a faulty memory but I think it has something to do with the clubhead rebounding from the divot (or was it the clubhead recovering from the lead) giving the feel of "solid" but in reality the ball is long gone. If this is the case then compression has nothing to do with a solid feel?
I hit balls on Trackman tonight and hit two thin 6 iron shots with -4.4 and -4.3 AoA. Now I know that having a negative attack angle will not necessarily mean a divot happens. I never would have thought that was possible. I crushed some 6 irons with -2.1 and -2.5 and it felt like I would have taken a divot if I would have been outside on grass.
IMHO, practicing from the fairway bunker (or on a big beach) may be about the best training possible for angle of attack and solid contact. Try basic pitching, too. It'll make tight lies seem a lot easier.
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