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Brian Manzella

Try to get everyone to maximum trigger delay (latest possible un-cocking of the wrists).

Pitch position elbow for all.

Looking through dozens and dozens of sequences of PGA Tour winners, looking for the one that shows THE "IDEAL" swing.

Use the maximum pivot possible, going into the ground as much as you can and coming out as fast as you can.

Pivot THROUGH the ball.

Add arch of the left wrist in the release phase.

No D-Plane.

No TrackMan.

Angle of attack? Bang down of the ball!!

Get EVERYONE to try for the most DYNAMIC SWING possible, more than the average PGA Tour player.

Swimming man, swimming.

Brian Manzella

Here is a couple of more....

Bragging about the long-hitting and "compression" of your student's ball contact.

Pointing to obscure golfers as examples of your teaching prowess.

Ignoring what the scientists say.
As Ben Doyle said: "if golf were swimming, most would be drowning."
Is it somewhat fair to say that the Ben Hogan model ruined all of us guys with TGM backgrounds?
Whenever I tried to use it, wild spinning fliers, deep gauges for divots..bad distance control..but I believed I was doing it "right".
Sweep release model: 3 course records, shallow divots, plenty of power, distance control..but a feeling like I was "compensating".
That said, Hogan and Trevino were awfully good and many can benefit from emulating them.
Thanks to Brian and my inside man, Jon Hardesty, and all you guys on this site, I'm a better teacher and more consistent ball-striker.

Brian Manzella

As Ben Doyle said: "if golf were swimming, most would be drowning."
Is it somewhat fair to say that the Ben Hogan model ruined all of us guys with TGM backgrounds?
Whenever I tried to use it, wild spinning fliers, deep gauges for divots..bad distance control..but I believed I was doing it "right".
Sweep release model: 3 course records, shallow divots, plenty of power, distance control..but a feeling like I was "compensating".
That said, Hogan and Trevino were awfully good and many can benefit from emulating them.
Thanks to Brian and my inside man, Jon Hardesty, and all you guys on this site, I'm a better teacher and more consistent ball-striker.

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