Swing as of this week

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Still a work in progress. I'm sure i'm like many that thought Brian was speaking to them directly about the backswing in Soft Draw. I grew up changing my backswing to try to copy my heroes of the time (90's) and it screwed me up :mad:

LCT really seems to help get my pivot "going" as it was very very static, Brian was a blunt as to say my legs looked like they were stuck in concrete.

That's growing up "resisiting with the legs" "keeping the right knee flexed" and all that bollocks that maybe only applies to an elite few fit and flexible enough to do that :confused: AND who need it.

3 years ago I spent a whole summer of lessons with the main advice stopping my hip turning too soon and to make sure my right knee stayed flexed, before the club went back. On video and with no knowledge I was like, sure that needs to stop :eek:

Now I know at the moment it sets my rhythm.....

One of the hardest things I have found is knowing who to believe in from swing knowledge... No one has all the answers but this I one hell of a place to start from.

I'm sure I like many other spend a lot of time going over the archived stuff here from when we didn't know about online TGM/teaching forums.

Some of the old threads are still sizzling from the crossfire :(

My basic TGM knowledge has helped me, I'm still learning that as a background issue but it's not ONE way of swinging, it's one of many and a shame not everyone can be civil and realise the ball doesn't know anything other that path, speed and clubface angle.

We all just desparately want to get better and this crazy game that cannot be won, only played.

I just wish everyone in instruction wanted their students to get better and there was none of the other crap that goes on.

Sorry for babbling on, after the weekends success my wife has a successful planned procedure on her heart today and has had me a bit reflective on this last few months.

She did a David Toms a few months back and went to a resting rate of 200.

After today she's good as new but it was as scared as i've ever been when she went to theatre.

I've had a second chance with my neck, and with that as well i appeciate a lot of things a hell of a lot more.

Thanks again to all and Brian, this is a great place to hang out away from the "real" world out there. I just hope I get the chance to continue to work on things.

It's been interesting to follow your swing changes.

Nice lct. I am having some trouble trying to incorporate that into my swing.
Light bulb went off for me whilst doing the drill with a clubhead stuck into my belt pointing straight out. I try to feel like that moves BEFORE my hands.

The hands get "dragged along by the core" and off turf I practice feeling a real heavy bend in the shaft hearing it get dragged away

Brian Manzella


Boy this swing has gotten MUCH better, can't wait for our weblesson.

As far as the editorial comments go, NO ONE IN GOLF wants it to be about who can teach.
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