Swing Plane Drill

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Here is a simple little drill for those struggling to find the proper swing plane. A safer version then using a milk crate ala Ben Doyle.

Stand on a 1" thick range mat (any rectangular mat will do or you could possibly use a door mat, gym mat etc).
Take you stance aligning parallel to one edge of the mat
Place the clubhead (5 iron) on the floor(carpet is better) with the hosel resting against the edge of the mat.
Now swing the club 1/4 the way back checking to make sure the hosel remains against the edge of the mat (on the proper plane).
From the 1/4 position swing the club directly back and up keeping the shaft pointing at this endless plane line as long as possible. Now swing the club down into impact and finish. I am amazed how I can downswing the club at full speed and the hosel brushes the edge of the mat correctly on plane!!
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