swing speed verse carry

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hey guys just wondering what swing speed you have and what kind of carry you are getting why not throw in what kind of driver with loft and shaft as well i swing in the 115 to 120 range but i think im getting short changed on my driver carry i carry the ball about 270 max i hit an 8 iron about 160 with just a smooth swing and ive verified those swing speeds on 3 different monitors what do you think is there any room for improvement


Well here goes. Mr. non-expert giving a reply. Swing speed is one of two factors that determine how far you can carry a ball. Of course the faster the club travels equates as to how far the ball goes with a qualification. The qualification is that you must make centered contact. Ideally the ball carries farthest when you hit it on the sweet spot and the clubhead is directly on the line of flight and neither open or closed. If you carry the ball 270 with a 115 mph swingspeed you probably, based on my limited reading, are getting pretty much all you can get. ( give or take ten yards and between 2.2 to 2.5 factor of club speed vs. carry)

Myself, I really have not evaluated swing speed other than what the little indicator tube placed on a shaft reads. My drives on the course are in the 240 to 270 yard range, given soft fairways and maybe 10/15 yards of roll. I use a 10.5 degree metal head and a True Temper TT-Lite steel shaft cut at a littles less than 44"

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
me = 105 right now (down from 110 from just being weaker)
loft 9.5
shaft accra sc65

Carry is 255-260 on good hits....outstanding hits are 265ish (i got 268 once on a monitor but never on a course however i have carried bunkers at a local course that are 265 out).

I have a snap/late release and great smash factor numbers. I attribute my smash factor and release style to Mr. Manzella...my ball speed numbers are always in the 155-162 range.

If you are truly swinging the club at 115 and can ROUTINELY carry objects in the 270 yard range i'd say you are doing really good. However there may be room for improvement. You need to get on a launch monitor with someone that knows what they're doing to see if you can get anymore out of it.
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

me = 105 right now (down from 110 from just being weaker)
loft 9.5
shaft accra sc65

Carry is 255-260 on good hits....outstanding hits are 265ish (i got 268 once on a monitor but never on a course however i have carried bunkers at a local course that are 265 out).

I have a snap/late release and great smash factor numbers. I attribute my smash factor and release style to Mr. Manzella...my ball speed numbers are always in the 155-162 range.

If you are truly swinging the club at 115 and can ROUTINELY carry objects in the 270 yard range i'd say you are doing really good. However there may be room for improvement. You need to get on a launch monitor with someone that knows what they're doing to see if you can get anymore out of it.

I am the same as you, but get zero roll here in fl. It just amazes me with all the pros swinging in the 120's. Just amazing. I feel I swing pretty fast. Must be throwing out. :)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Zero roll is usually a product of too much backspin IF, IF the fairways are DRY.

If the fairways are WET, then there is usually not a lot of roll...but if they are relatively dry you should be getting at least 10-15 yards of roll.

You should get on a monitor...you're backspin rate is probably too much so when it lands that first bounce destroys a lot of the "roll" capability.

I also forgot to add that if you do have throwaway and flip through impact you'll add backspin because you'd be adding loft at impact.
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

Zero roll is usually a product of too much backspin IF, IF the fairways are DRY.

If the fairways are WET, then there is usually not a lot of roll...but if they are relatively dry you should be getting at least 10-15 yards of roll.

You should get on a monitor...you're backspin rate is probably too much so when it lands that first bounce destroys a lot of the "roll" capability.

I also forgot to add that if you do have throwaway and flip through impact you'll add backspin because you'd be adding loft at impact.

I just did hte monitor and bought a new driver. My launch angle was fine, but too much spin. The shaft was a factory stiff, but was more like a regular on the frequency.
I got a new mizuno with a real stiff shaft. Hooks have gone away. Yeah....
Haven't played a course I am use to to see distance difference yet, but I am flying it at least as far with a more borin traj, so I would assume it would roll more.
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

me = 105 right now (down from 110 from just being weaker)
loft 9.5
shaft accra sc65

Carry is 255-260 on good hits....outstanding hits are 265ish (i got 268 once on a monitor but never on a course however i have carried bunkers at a local course that are 265 out).

I have a snap/late release and great smash factor numbers. I attribute my smash factor and release style to Mr. Manzella...my ball speed numbers are always in the 155-162 range.

If you are truly swinging the club at 115 and can ROUTINELY carry objects in the 270 yard range i'd say you are doing really good. However there may be room for improvement. You need to get on a launch monitor with someone that knows what they're doing to see if you can get anymore out of it.

see i think i can maybe get a little more cary like i said 270 is the max if i swing hard and hit it solid if your getting 260 to 265 with 105 i think there may be room to improve for me 115 is just a regular swing and i can get it as high as 123 does any one know what charles howell or tiger can swing at i know they can fly it about 300

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
ban....i'm the EXCEPTION and not the "rule." Due to my snap release and the things brian changed in my swing my "smash factor" or efficiency numbers are very very high.

The amount of yardage i carry is not typcial of someone with that swing speed. Hell i can get my 27* 5 iron to carry 195 yards and i shouldn't....but due to the snap release and good ball compression i can.

Honestly if i were you i'd 1) get on a launch monitor and try and get the most optimum fit you can at the most comfortable speed you can swing. There are not that many guys on tour that can carry over 275 yards...


quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

ball speed / swing speed = smash factor (efficiency)

Anything in the 1.45-1.55 range is excellent.

I recently tested my efficiency factor to 1.61. It was a windy day, so I was swinging easy.

A very good reason to check out your motion on a launch monitor.
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