Swing Vision impact of Tiger Woods

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Brian Manzella

Here are the pics from the below thread...

This is what MY teaching is all about....

Getting more of THIS!;)


One thing I noticed this weekend(not yesterday because of football playoffs), was Tiger's hip action. On the DS, he leans or slides to the left about an inch, maintaining his BS hip turn. New move? Perhaps I am only noticing it now because that is what I am currently working on. Looks like almost all Tour players turn and slide at the same time on the DS.
Lies, damn lies and out-of-perspective golf pictures ... !!!!!!![:0]

Now if you were able to rotate your perspective to see the clubhead inline and not cockeyed by at least 30º .... then you would see something entirely different. If you saw the entire view of the shaft and Tiger, again you would see something else.

I'm amazed at the cockamamey conclusions I read here based on a single unsubstantiated photo about something nobody here understands. Jeez maybe I shouldn't have gone to college to get an education that doesn't provide me with the smarts some of you geniuses have achieved by only reading TGM and scouring websites. Amazing .... !!!!!!!!!

Brian Manzella

Horton...You are dead wrong.

Moving the camera will have NO EFFECT on how much it looks like Tiger is MASHING this ball on the way down.

And that education....at least 40,000 hours of reasearch by ME.

I could have been a Doctor AND a Lawyer!

Brian Manzella

Folks (and Horton),

I will make a decision on Horton's fate tommorrow. I am going to MY 20th (how many have you been to Horton) PGA Merchandise Show----Where I learn, ask questions, debate, go 'on stage', take over a couple of booths, and LISTEN HARD to some really smart people.

Horton, what you don't realize (and I have to somehow give you credit for making me say this) is HOW MUCH RESEARCH I DO ON MY OWN...and with my sidekicks Tom Bartlett and MikeSTLOC. These two guys have 145+ IQ's and are VERY HARD TO FOOL.

We don't miss much.

We have taken pictures from EVERY ANGLE of EVERY THING worth photographing.

And your ignorant (not stupid, just not 40,000 hours of your life worth) assumptions, based on very often flawed test done by guys who not only aren't as smart as me sometimes...but don't know JACK about golf.

So here ya go....your last 100-to-Nothing loss in a debate with me before the 'Show'.

This picture is taken from a few degrees BEHIND 90 to the ball. The picture of Tiger's MASH was a few+a few more degrees PAST 90 to the ball.

Funny, it still looks the same.

Oh yeah.....you're welcome Hort.
Come down guys.

Horton IS correct when he says that changing the photoangle would change the picture. (Just imagine a photo taken from the target- the hands would seem to be in front of the ball because we have a lie angle). BUT- the impact picture with the ball isn't influenced much by camerangles.

"Lies, damn lies and out-of-perspective golf pictures ... !!!!!!!"

Come on, they didn't teach you THAT during your formal education of which you are so proud.
You could instead tell the members WHY you think assumptions are incorrect

Brian- be wise and don't ban Horton. He obviously has knowledge- you guys just need to find a way to understand each other. Something good might grow here.

P.S.: Horton- when are you going to answer my post in the other thread?
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