Swing woods or irons well but not both?

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Iowagolfpr wrote this in his thread on the hit down or up debate with the driver

"Sam Snead said that no one has a swing that is suited for iron play and driving. Golfers swings favor one or the other."

Brian and others: What do you think of this statement? Thanks

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I think you'll tend to have more problems with one or the other based on your "plane" tendencies. If you tend to get flatter than ideal you'll probably have more issues with irons that you would with a driver due to the flatter swing plane of longer irons and vice versa if you tend to be steeper.

But does one swing tend to favor one or the other? IMO, no...just leads to certain tendencies.

"Sam Snead said that no one has a swing that is suited for iron play and driving. Golfers swings favor one or the other."

I think this can be the case with certain swings...it can be avoided though if you know enough.

I think jim_0068 is right with the plane flattening or steepening mostly.
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