push, pull, or both
jomil said:
I am relatively new to TGM, and don't yet have the book, but how does one know if they are a swinger or a hitter? Or, how do you know which method to pursue? Thanks.
If you tend to push against the grip with the right side, then you're more likely a hitter.
If you tend to pull the grip with both sides, then you're more likely a swinger.
If you tend to pull the grip with the left side while pushing against it with the right, then you're more likely a switter.
If you tend to push against the grip with the right wrist while pulling it with both sides, then you're more likely a hitswinger.
If you tend to rotate the pivot, then you're more likely a rotor.
If you tend to slide the pivot, then you're more likely a slider.
If you tend to rotate the pivot while sliding it, then you're more likely a slidrotor.
If you tend to slide the pivot while rotating it, then you're more likely a roslider.
If you tend to mix them up, then you could more likely be a
hitrotor, hitslider, hitslidrotor, hitroslider,
swingrotor, swingslider, swingslidrotor, swingroslider,
switrotor, switslider, switslidrotor, switroslider,
hitswingrotor, hitswingslider, hitswingslidrotor, or hitswingroslider.
If you tend to do the list above while snapping the club, then add "snap" to its corrosponding-er.