Swinger...should I "hit my short irons" ?????

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Brian, could you elaborate a little on your above post for this "newbie", should your wrists begin "uncocking" on the way down, before the swivel for a swinger? I thought that you wanted to hold that wrist cock. I might be just misunderstanding the lingo. Thanks.
I like to hit my short irons...I just setup with my hands more ahead and it basically changes to hitting automatically. You can't mash straight down on it as well with your hands at mid-body.

I personally feel more comfy hitting short irons.
I started hitting my short irons. I was always convinced that I was a swinger, like you. Now I hit everything. It's really easy, and with angled hinging and starting from impact fix I feel I don't have as many direction issues as before.


quote:Originally posted by bendet2

Brian, could you elaborate a little on your above post for this "newbie", should your wrists begin "uncocking" on the way down, before the swivel for a swinger? I thought that you wanted to hold that wrist cock. I might be just misunderstanding the lingo. Thanks.

The right wrist conditions of impact you are refering to is the vertical movement(cock,level,uncock). At impact your right wrist should ideally be level so that if you hold the club properly in the cup of the right hand the right forearm and clubshaft are an angled extension of each other. It is easiest to form this at address and then maintain it throughout the stroke yet this is not always what happens, often even in the pro tour. But there is a way, luckily for them, to make their double wrist cocks work and their secret is they have Mr. centrifugal force on their side coming to save the day by whirling out their clubheads form them.

Hitters don't have the same luxury for imprecision because they live in a land far away from Mr. centrifugal force's reach. They are using right arm thrust to muscularly drive the clubhead and Mr. Centrifugal Force will let your shot burn in hell before he comes to your aid!

Ideally for both the swinging and hitting procedures clubhead delivery control is simplified if you only cock and uncock the left wrist and never the right. You should uncock your left wrist but never uncock your wrists.....being plural...

Since all correct geometrical 3-Dimensional motion takes place on a 2-Dimensional plane (like a pitched roof per glossary), when swinging uncocking the left wrist(no.2 accumulator) should be done that its condition is still flat against the plane before the left wrist rolls (no.3 accumulator).
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

You can't mash straight down on it as well with your hands at mid-body.

What gives you that idea?

That's what I feel. Hands more ahead = more downward strike. I don't mean you'll necessarily get more compression or anything...I love to swing, especially with long irons. Arc of approach (long irons) vs. angle of approach (short irons).

I prefer to hit my short irons because you get a nice, crisp, descending blow and I feel it's easier to do with my hands forward at address (impact fix setup). Keeps it lower mostly too...more like punch shots.
I have never, I mean NEVER, thought about uncocking my wrists....AND, I wouldnt know how to begin (it either happens or it dosesnt happen) and I dont know how anyone can consciously do so either. BUT, I do work on roll ALL the time.
quote:Originally posted by Mathew
But there is a way, luckily for them, to make their double wrist cocks work and their secret is they have Mr. centrifugal force on their side coming to save the day by whirling out their clubheads form them.

Hitters don't have the same luxury for imprecision because they live in a land far away from Mr. centrifugal force's reach. They are using right arm thrust to muscularly drive the clubhead and Mr. Centrifugal Force will let your shot burn in hell before he comes to your aid!

Matt...you sound like some sort of twisted Mr. Rogers here.


Brian Manzella


LEFT THUMB UP (on plane) on the backswing...COCKING!

LEFT THUMBprint (on plane) at the ball....UN-COCKING without roll.....in the process of the uncocking....let the speed of the clubhead TRANSFER to the roll (left side of your left thumb facing the ball).
quote:Originally posted by brianman


LEFT THUMB UP (on plane) on the backswing...COCKING!

LEFT THUMBprint (on plane) at the ball....UN-COCKING without roll.....in the process of the uncocking....let the speed of the clubhead TRANSFER to the roll (left side of your left thumb facing the ball).

Interesting, I will play with that today and see what happens (range time that is)
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