Originally posted by rwh
quote:Originally posted by jhphx
I am learning to process the swing motion with the right forearm or hand controlled pivot. Does the "karate chop move back down fit with the swinging motion, or is that another way or feeling of using a vertical hinge through the hitting area?
The "karate chop" move is for Swinging only and doesn't really have anything to do with hinge action.
You have four sections or "intervals" in the down swing: Downstroke; Release; Impact; and, Follow-through. The karate chop (the edge of the hand driving toward the ball) takes place during the Downstroke interval. Once you get to Release, the left hand begins to rotate to the left so that it will be in the proper position by the time you get to Impact. You hinge action occurs during the Impact interval, so you can use any hinge action desired with the karate chop move.