Swinging with just your lead hand on the club

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I was chipping today and found that just chipping with my left hand on the club helped me feel a nice flat left wrist and solid contact. John Daly practices this way as well, making full swing with just his left hand on the club.

Is there anything to this? What benefits can one derive from practicing like this? Would anyone recommend it?
I like swinging with left arm only, but with the right hand simply wrapped arould the left hand, or on the left wrist watch area. I also switch this process, putting only the right hand on the grip, and the left hand wrapped around the right. It certainly highlights the important, but different, roles each arm/hand must play in the golf swing.

Yes. There certainly is something to it.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I was chipping today and found that just chipping with my left hand on the club helped me feel a nice flat left wrist and solid contact. John Daly practices this way as well, making full swing with just his left hand on the club.

Is there anything to this? What benefits can one derive from practicing like this? Would anyone recommend it?

this works well for swingers who like a pull feeling. when i'm doing it well i can hit a wedge almost 90 yards. If you can do that it means you are basically doing everything else right.

The key is just simply putting the right hand back on and NOT DOING ANYTHING WITH IT ;) !
Lead better

It also like magic gives you a bit of nice early weight shift (in the DS) to the targetward foot.
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