Swings from the Masters: Retief Goosen - Driver (down the line)

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Couldn't find exact quote but I remember reading:

"Stong grip fighting, bent left arm hang-a-new-hinge guesstimater."

(there may have been something about bent left wrist and swinging too far to right in there too)


Chris Sturgess

New member
Great video. A few questions: On number 11 there, these guys are trying to hit one down the right side kind of near where the green grass meets the pine straw right? And did Retief hit a draw there? It seems like he did. Does he draw it in general? It seems like he does but i'm not sure.
Rertief's shoulders are square to the target line at impact. It seems as though a lot of modern instruction calls for the hips to be open and the shoulders to be less open but not square. Would he have more pivot power if hi left his shoulder would move more behind him at impact?
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