quote:Originally posted by mgjordan
You also have to remember that just because the clubhead strikes the ball moving upward doesn't necessarily mean the golfer was "swinging up". The golfer could very well be thrusting downward so much that the shaft flexes the other way (Hogan) and the clubhead moves up while the golfers arms and hands are thrusting down. With Kuehne's force, I bet this is the case.
Kuehne even managed to deloft his clubface by around 2* at impact
whilst swinging up.
So, how far ahead of the clubhead would his hands have to be at impact
whilst swinging up in order to achieve this?
Answer: An impossible distance.
Better yet. Swinging up, hitting the ball past the bottom of the swing arc, predisposes a massive hook - unless the clubface is open some at impact. If the clubface is open at impact, being beyond the low point of the swing arc,
whilst hitting up then "FORE RIGHT" would be the order of the day.
Go figure.