Originally posted by EdZ
Originally posted by dude
quote:Originally posted by EdZ
But swingweight can 'help' you stay on plane, or at least to 'feel' it at slower speeds, then you can increase speed, as you keep that 'feel' of the clubhead, 'swinging' on plane.
EdZ, please do not consider this a loaded question or anything like that but here goes. Can you explain or express what you think is happening when you
feel the clubhead?
When you can feel the clubhead truly 'swing', like a rock on a string, and are in balance during your "entire" swing, you are more often than not:
a) at good width
b) keeping the club on plane
c) staying in 'synch' with your hands/arms/chest - center
d) 'allowing' the natural rotation of the lead forearm during the entire swing, especially through impact (where 85%+ of golfers fail)
Assuming you are allowing your body to flow with that swinging weight, you are shifting weight properly, and if you are in an 'actively' relaxed motion, with a proper grip, you will create lots of lag without having to think about it (crack the whip of your hands/arms/club).
OK, think of it this way - who has the best 'natural' swings?
Why is that?
Well I think it is in large part due to having clubs that are too heavy/long for them. The only way they can get a decent hit is to just 'swing' the heavy weight of the club, and it moves their bodies in a pretty darn good motion.
Next time you go to the range, think of just a couple things.... the rock on the end of the string at max arc, swinging on plane (end of shaft always points to targetline, and target, target, target.
Let everything 'flow' to the target.