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Just curious what swingweights most pros use.

Seems to me, you should use the heaviest swing weight you can control for a true 'swing' action. (at least for better players)

Anyone know which tour quality irons have the heaviest swingweights?

Brian Manzella

Most are around D-1 to D-4....but they only use this OUTDATED "matching" method because they DON'T Know any better.

Manzella's irons: C-8 (3iron) then half swingweight heavier to LOB wedge :)


"don't know any better"?

The guys playing for millions don't know about their equipment?

Please explain what you mean by this.....

Brian Manzella

They don't know anything about equipment: translated: the average tour pro doen't know or care about equipment...and fitting on tour is often just "try this"....trust me


OK..... so what is it exactly that they don't know about swing weight? To me, a higher swing weight is 'much' easier to keep on plane, assuming the overall weight isn't too heavy for the player.


Does anyone know which tour quality irons have the highest swingweight off the shelf (assuming x100 or S300)?


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

"don't know any better"?

The guys playing for millions don't know about their equipment?

Please explain what you mean by this.....
This is true . I get a lot of TaylorMade stuff from a pro on the Euro Tour and he just gets given clubs . If he likes them he keeps them for a bit if not he sells them to me. I have had a lot of clubs from him that he did not know were tour issue only including R510 deep face tours the prototype of the TP. His set up is the same as Goosen's that is how I ended up with Goosen's 8.5* DF. I have no idea what the swing weights areand am sure these vary. The last four V steel tours I got were all different. I have got a 13* V steel tour Tour issue only with a Mitsubishi Inverx shaft in it for sale. E mail me if anyone is interested. I will be back from Scotland playing golf on Sunday.


But swingweight can 'help' you stay on plane, or at least to 'feel' it at slower speeds, then you can increase speed, as you keep that 'feel' of the clubhead, 'swinging' on plane.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

But swingweight can 'help' you stay on plane, or at least to 'feel' it at slower speeds, then you can increase speed, as you keep that 'feel' of the clubhead, 'swinging' on plane.

EdZ, please do not consider this a loaded question or anything like that but here goes. Can you explain or express what you think is happening when you feel the clubhead?


quote:Originally posted by dude

quote:Originally posted by EdZ

But swingweight can 'help' you stay on plane, or at least to 'feel' it at slower speeds, then you can increase speed, as you keep that 'feel' of the clubhead, 'swinging' on plane.

EdZ, please do not consider this a loaded question or anything like that but here goes. Can you explain or express what you think is happening when you feel the clubhead?

When you can feel the clubhead truly 'swing', like a rock on a string, and are in balance during your "entire" swing, you are more often than not:

a) at good width
b) keeping the club on plane
c) staying in 'synch' with your hands/arms/chest - center
d) 'allowing' the natural rotation of the lead forearm during the entire swing, especially through impact (where 85%+ of golfers fail)

Assuming you are allowing your body to flow with that swinging weight, you are shifting weight properly, and if you are in an 'actively' relaxed motion, with a proper grip, you will create lots of lag without having to think about it (crack the whip of your hands/arms/club).

OK, think of it this way - who has the best 'natural' swings?


Why is that?

Well I think it is in large part due to having clubs that are too heavy/long for them. The only way they can get a decent hit is to just 'swing' the heavy weight of the club, and it moves their bodies in a pretty darn good motion.

Next time you go to the range, think of just a couple things.... the rock on the end of the string at max arc, swinging on plane (end of shaft always points to targetline, and target, target, target.

Let everything 'flow' to the target.


quote:Originally posted by EdZ

quote:Originally posted by dude

quote:Originally posted by EdZ

But swingweight can 'help' you stay on plane, or at least to 'feel' it at slower speeds, then you can increase speed, as you keep that 'feel' of the clubhead, 'swinging' on plane.

EdZ, please do not consider this a loaded question or anything like that but here goes. Can you explain or express what you think is happening when you feel the clubhead?

When you can feel the clubhead truly 'swing', like a rock on a string, and are in balance during your "entire" swing, you are more often than not:

a) at good width
b) keeping the club on plane
c) staying in 'synch' with your hands/arms/chest - center
d) 'allowing' the natural rotation of the lead forearm during the entire swing, especially through impact (where 85%+ of golfers fail)

Assuming you are allowing your body to flow with that swinging weight, you are shifting weight properly, and if you are in an 'actively' relaxed motion, with a proper grip, you will create lots of lag without having to think about it (crack the whip of your hands/arms/club).

OK, think of it this way - who has the best 'natural' swings?


Why is that?

Well I think it is in large part due to having clubs that are too heavy/long for them. The only way they can get a decent hit is to just 'swing' the heavy weight of the club, and it moves their bodies in a pretty darn good motion.

Next time you go to the range, think of just a couple things.... the rock on the end of the string at max arc, swinging on plane (end of shaft always points to targetline, and target, target, target.

Let everything 'flow' to the target.

Ed, when a golfer feels the clubhead, they are actually feeling the Sweetspot. This is the reason for Homer naming this as the 2nd Imperative. This is why we hear the speak about taking #3 Pressure Point to the inside aft quadrant of the ball. This also gives guidance to Homer's comments in 2-F about shanking and turning the clubface so both the clubshaft and sweetspot is on the same plane at start down.

One of the big mistakes with golfers is they do the above with the target way out in front of them. All concentration and the driving of #3 and such must be at the ball. If not, you will get steering. Big no no.

Thanks for your response and great golfing.



The golf swing is much simpler than most make it..... TGM is great, but thinking about all the detail when playing isn't likely to help as much as just letting go of those details, and 'swinging' the club in balance, with focus on the target.

Why is it you are convinced that they are 'feeling the sweetspot'?

If you have a heavy shaft/trainer, without a clubhead, what are you feeling then? :)

I hit great shots way before knowing anything about #3, 4, or 27... :)

Whatever works for you, or anyone else, all the better, but a 'swing' is physics pure and simple.

Golf is not a game of 'hit' it is a game of 'swing', look at who has lasted the longest... they've all been 'swingers' of the club. Snead being the best example, and even Mickey Wright, who might have looked like a hitter, but I'm certain she 'felt' like she was swinging.

I don't really care to debate hit vs. swing.... it's just one of those things, you either think one, or the other, and whatever works for you.... etc, etc..

and to clarify, when I say target, I'm talking about the entire motion being focused there, not as an aiming/release point.

It's a bit like basketball..... you see the hoop, you shoot, you don't 'think' about it.



I'm not debating Hit or Swing or even debating. I will review and see where this is at in this thread. LOL! Nor am I discussing what to think or not think about while performing. I asked a question regarding of how "you" classify what is happening when a golfer is feeling the clubhead. You responded. I then gave "my" opinion what a golfer is feeling when they are feeling the clubhead. LOL!

As for the theory of, "before I knew, I was still." I like and enjoy the why and confirmation at present.


no worries dude.... I was prempting the 'debate'.... seen it too many times on these boards!

Cheers..... EZ
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