swittin it or is it just plain ole sweat...

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I am interested in hearing about is Greg M.'s perspective that right arm swinging adds a bunch of "umph" to the swing. Pull with the left? Pull with the right? "Pull with both arms!", he says. Bill M says if that's a problem, one can go back to swinging with the weak left arm only if flying the greens is a problem...

and don't hold me to the quote...!

What's the difference between a four barrel procedure and switting?

And how about pressure point #1 becoming the sensor replacing #3?


i wanna be like ben woods...

Brian Manzella

What you can and can't do.

I am told you can't pull and push something at the same time.

This is incorrect, in my opinion, and I can demonstrate this easily.

Now, perhaps the FORCES of Radial and Centrifugal can't happen at the same time, a fact that would require some pretty fancy machines to determine, but the fact remains that you CAN pull and push at the same time, but maybe this COMINATION has to PRODUCE the same force, one or the other.

Make sense?
didint Hogan push and pull, that is why he said he wanted three right hands? but then was it hogans grip that allowed him to do this?
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