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Ok, when I think of "switting" I think of both hitting and swinging. How come it doesn't get much talk? What's wrong with it? Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? I've seen Hogan's name thrown around with "switting". No? Thanks

It really should get more talk

Brian has said on the forum that "nobody is a pure hitter" and "pure swinging" only results in 80-85% power (not sure if he was talking TGM-swinging or Ernest Jones-swinging though). So it would seem that either you are a short swinger or some kind of switter.

On a side note: I know what Brian was getting at with the "nobody is a pure hitter" comment, but there is a guy at my regular course that I am positive is a "pure hitter."
Always be careful with the word "nobody"

Nobody is either...they are just concepts and ways to swing a club. You both push and pull on every shot.

Very true. But like I said above, I know a guy that has no pulling action from the left arm during the downswing.
He's not that bad considering, but a pretty short hitter. ;)
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New member
Did you see the clip where Homer Kelly is giving lessons to people and classifies them as right handed swingers?

Brian Manzella

Did you see the clip where Homer Kelly...classifies them as "right handed swingers"?

Did you see the clip of Mac O'Grady where he classifies them as "long arc CPers."

Did you see the clip of Jim Hardy where he classifies them as "Two planers."

Did you see the clip of Brian Manzella where he classifies them as "Soft Fade Sweep Releasers."

Got it?

A rose is still a rose...

In "The Soft Draw Pattern" video, I talk about the 85% Aaron Zick/ Theodore Jorgenson math, where you HAVE TO add right arm and WHEN. As well as what "Pure Swinging" is, etc.

In "The Soft Draw Pattern" video, I talk about the 85% Aaron Zick/ Theodore Jorgenson math, where you HAVE TO add right arm and WHEN. As well as what "Pure Swinging" is, etc.


Is this the Ernest Jones/no torque "pure swinging?"

Also, do you still believe that the time to add the right arm is when the shaft is vertical for the last time before impact?
"Did you see the clip of Brian Manzella where he classifies them as "Soft Fade Sweep Releasers."

-No, I didn't. Anyone have the link?? Thanks
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