TakeAway -Brian, Edz, Ragman, anyone.needsuggestio

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I've just changed my grip and wrist cocking technique, curtisy of Brian's brilliant 'grip' and 'never slice' articles.
Having done this, I find my takeaway feels totally different and am having to rebuild this part of my swing again :( . In the past I never 'bent' my right wrist ... my takeaway was a one piece body motion (hips, body) dragging the arms\clubface, and then a late angled hinge action. (not bending, more of an up and down\angled hinging motion) This felt extremely comfortable and natural to me, but resulted in fades and slices.
With this new grip\wrist bending, I feel as though my swing is too inside.. some of these pros on the box look like they're taking it way outside?
I just wondered what thoughts you guys have when you start the takeaway...e.g. I have heard stuff like:-
-pull right palm back.
-pull left palm back, arm connected to chest.
-drag club back with body.
-use shoulders to start takeaway.
etc. etc. the list goes on! [B)]
There seem to be so many combinations, and surprisingly I can't seem to find any discussions on takeaway in this forum. Does TGM shed any light on this. I don't yet have the book, but will be receiving it soon.
I really want to push on with my swing.. just need a few tips in this takeaway area so I can start working on some moves again.
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