Takeaway: Clubface "looking" at the ball

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Have not been here in awhile and it is interesting looking at all the new members and swing posts. One thing that seems to stand out and may (or may not be) different in the swings, is the clubface really "looks" at the ball for a long time in the backswing. Is this correct? Accomplishes?

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
In trying to get "toe up" when parallel for the first time in the back swing, many do this by "popping out" which leads to an overly laid off position at the top for many.

By taking a no "pop-out" type backswing a more dynamic position is achieved and allows the swinger to more accurately feel where the club head is during the stroke

Plus, a bunch in the HOF do it.
HOF = Hall of Fame

I used to do this type of takeway as well. Problem was that my face was really shut in the backswing and at the top of the swing. So I had to feel I rotate the clubface open on the takeaway and backswing. Not my face is square in the backswing.

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