Tear Me Up

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Hey guys,

First of all, I apologize for the poor quality of these images, it was taken from my cell phone.

Just wondering what you guys see/think about my swing:

These shots went straight with very solid contact. 5 Iron about 195.

I struggle when my posture gets more hunched over, shots that start way out to the right.

What I'm really struggling with though is inconsistent contact and distance control.
I struggle when my posture gets more hunched over, shots that start way out to the right.

What I'm really struggling with though is inconsistent contact and distance control.

I would experiment with your ball position. It seems like you may hang back just a touch on the downswing; putting the ball farther forward would allow you to get more over onto your left side earlier in the downswing.

Brian, Kevin, or Jim's comments should be taken ahead of mine though. That's about all I can see right now, tho. I wouldn't monkey with the "guts" of your swing too much. Just some experimentation with ball position and getting onto your left side earlier is all.
Looking at the face on view..At set-up it seems to me you are too far "behind it". I think just a touch too much tilt to the right. Also, I think you could stand a little farther from it. Hopefully, Brian sets you straight though.
i was thinking that was just from the camera quality.

If you are really hitting your 5 iron 195, then you better hit an x flex. I had similar pictures taken of me at one point and they caused me to get x's. It would be hard for me not to hit an x anymore. The stability benefits alone are enough for me. Seriously, try them and I bet you'll never look back.
Thanks for the advice, right now I'm playing DG S300s, and on a good video camera they don't look anything like they do in this. Much less bend.

I appreciate the set-up comments as well, fellahs.
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