Ed you are finally right about something, I don't understand your point but I did bite and read your little thesis. First off get spellcheck for heaven's sake. Secondly I honestly don't have time to go through the whole thing point by point. Maybe in the winter. Having said that let's take the first little bit. Following that little grip drill literally how in the heck could you ever get your first three Pressure Points in an aft, in-line, on plane supportive position. On stepping into the ball you have got things backwards if you truly want to step into it open at address, it would be club, right foot , left foot not the way you have it if you truly want to keep your sight line clear to the target as you assume your address position. As for that drill allowing your left hand to fall from the right shoulder, as Basil Fawlty used to say what is the bloody point, unless of course you want to promote hopeless over-acceleration and chasing which bad golfers all have in spades. And why all these drills? Get the book, get Ben's or Brian's tape and learn to chip it, pitch it, punch it or full swing it. Practical application, man, with a club in your hands. You'll soon learn to wait for it that way, but not by this Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil new age bunk like "give up control to gain control" horse****. That don't mean diddly to Joe Golfer.