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I have played golf seriously since the late 80's. Self taught, but athletic enough to be a mid single digit player. Every so often I would take a lesson with a local pro of varying reknown. Maybe ten in all. No one ever said to fold, not cock my right wrist. After a couple of months of reading this forum I am now cocking the left, folding the right and striking the ball much, much better. It is the lead domino in correcting several faults including a flying right elbow, lateral slide, plus a return of youthful distance. On my way to sustaining lag. I cannot believe how simple and effective this fix is. I want to run down the range and tell everyone. This is far too sentimental for a golf forum. Looking forward to better scores in the spring.


Brian Manzella

Guys, This is why I have toiled 22 years on the range....waiting for the mike..

the internet is a wonderful thing...

thanks, BM
Same here...I've had lessons with some of the most respected pros in my area (Northern Ohio)..and none of the elbow folding, flat wrist, etc...has ever come up...it was mostly "grip and stance" teaching...over the past year, I've made the most incremental improvement by applying what I read here...keep on..
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