TGM book for non-AI...drills?

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I was wondering if I should buy they TGM manual/book, I'm not an Authorized Instructor and I've just barely started TGM. I know it's written for AI, but I was wondering if there were drills and such in the book that may help me or help my understanding of TGM?

Book doesn't have drills but this website plus a few others have TGM drills you can use. Impact bag, dowels, tennis rackets, tac-tic are a few recommended things. Key items are flying wedges, grip, understanding extension and then drill, drill, drill.
By the way, buy the book. It is great info anyway. Don't let the writing fool you, once you give it a go and read this forum, there is much, much, much to learn. Buy the book from or Ben Doyle web page (he is faster shipping).

Good luck.

Brian Manzella

The Golfing Machine is NOT a how-to book.

Thank God.

I had read 'em all (just about) when I was a young golfer and teacher.

Some are ok, but most are just a lot of hot air.

TGM is different, a SYSTEM that xplains ALL methods.

One of the things on my plate is a "Gofing Machine for Dummies" so-to-speak, and maybe this year, it will get done.

Right now, just buy the book, buy my 1-4 "The Movie" and "Flipper" and Ben Doyle's tape.

Best money you'll ever spend in golf.

See ya on 'the site.'
quote:Originally posted by brianman

The Golfing Machine is NOT a how-to book.

Thank God.

Right now, just buy the book, buy my 1-4 "The Movie" and "Flipper" and Ben Doyle's tape.

Best money you'll ever spend in golf.

See ya on 'the site.'

I'm ahead of you...I purchased the "Flipper" and "Over and Out" a couple of weeks ago! I'm also getting help from Jim 0068 (Jim K). I was hesitant to buy the book only because I don't want it confusing or getting me wrapped up in stuff I'll never fully understand and not care to (at least to that degree). I don't think you'll see me quoting Chapter/Page/Verse. Sometimes I think too much, other times not enough. I just want to be able to play a decent game of golf.
I don't know about Ben Doyle's tape, but I'll look into it. Of the different TGM teachers, I've gravitated towards your style.

Thanks again!
glad to see you took my suggestion for a golfing machine book for "dummies" that i mentioned on 4-29-04. btw, keep up the great work you do for us. any plans to do anything in the metro ny area? it would be great to meet you in person and tap your vast knowledge.


quote:Originally posted by pm4610

I was wondering if I should buy they TGM manual/book, I'm not an Authorized Instructor and I've just barely started TGM. I know it's written for AI, but I was wondering if there were drills and such in the book that may help me or help my understanding of TGM?


The Golfing Machine by Homer Kelly
Edition 6
p. X (Preface)

"This book is dedicated to Joe Duffer and Joe Pro for keeping golf alive and is intended to serve as the Duffer's Bible, the Golf Nut's Catalog, the Circuit Player's Handbook, and the Instructor's Textbook."

T.G.M. is not for AI's only! It's for all the above.

Good luck in your journey PM4610!

Sorting through the Duffer's Bible.



I have a book or two for you if you need one and make sure that you read page X! This may be the only book you ever read that is not from cover tocover. There is a method to the madness and it is all "dictionary english" (so use a dictionary if you get confused). You'll glean something from it every time you pick it up, I guarentee it. Just stay out of Chapter 2 for the first week or so except for 2-0... Good luck.


TGM for dummies is in the book, you just have to work to find it for you!!!!! Something alot of people do not like to do.
The problem with a TGM for dummies is it may not work for some and will work great for others, just the same as modern golf instruction now.

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