TGM book versions - best to read

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I have a 1979 (I believe it's the 4th edition) version of Thg Golfing Machine. I haven't opened it in over 20 years, but reading this forum I now have the desire to begin learning TGM again. Is this a good version to read or is the most recent version better (clearer) to understand and improve my knowledge with?


Homer thought each edition was an improvement over the previous one.

That is not to say that useful information was removed as the editions progressed, because I've heard that sometimes that was the case. Overall, though, the newest edition (6th) is probably where you want to start. New things were added with each new edition and as Homer discovered more variations and such, the next edition became more complete.
Thanks Brian, but I don't think there's much chance I can get my hands on that version. If I was to begin studying TGM again, should I start with the version I have or purchase the most recent version?
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