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Hi All,

I live in Australia, with no TGM instructors in my state (According to The TGM Website), but I've been looking at this website and a few others for a while, and I like a lot of the thinking of TGM, and not sure about my local pro.

I've been struggling with my swing of late and want to try and develop a repeatable golf swing.

I was looking at buying the TGM handbook and working my way through it to try develop and learn about a good swing, but:

1)is it possible to go through the book to teach yourself or do you need to work with a certified instructor?

2)Or is it mainly for instructors to use and read?


Brian Manzella


When I first purchased the book in 1982...I am quite sure I knew next to nothing about how The Golfing Machine worked.

When I first went to see Ben Doyle 5 years later, he said I knew the book as well as anyone who had NEVER worked with an Authorized Instructor.

But...During those 5 years I learned A LOT, and It helped my game A LOT.

Their are several suplimental materials we can recomend to you, as HELPER GUIDES to the book.

But, by all means, go ahead and buy the book....if you have any questions, feel free to post them on here.


Thanks Brian, I've been looking at this site for a while and also FGI, by a lot of your posts on this site and the old posts on FGI, it is clear you do know alot about TGM and the Golf swing.

Now just to find if anywhere local has the book.

Thanks Brian


Brian: What are the suplimental materials that you recommend? I've had the book for about 5 months now and read it all the time but any helper's guides would be most wanted.

How's that video of yours looking? I can't wait to get my hands on it! :)
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