Thank You Brian -- From The Golfing Machine, LLC

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Dear Brian,

I would like to take a moment and thank you for attending and speaking at the first Golfing Machine Summit in Birmingham, AL. Your participation was immeasurable. I know that your involvement meant the world to Mr. Doyle as we paid tribute to his "Lifetime Achievement". His involvement over the last 35 years has touched many lives and spread The Golfing Machine around the world. We were thrilled that many like you were able to take time away from their busy lives to come together in a learning and sharing environment.

Our Thanks goes out to you, Mr. Doyle GSED, Tom Ness GSED, Bobby Clampett GSED, Gregg McHatton GSED, Don Shaw GSED, Sally Kelley, Gary Stein Ph.D., and Doug DuChateau GSEM, for helping make the first Gofling Machine Teaching Summit a success.




quote:Originally posted by Joe Daniels GSED

Dear Brian,

I would like to take a moment and thank you....



a very kind and thoughtful post and i second the above welcome...brian has reported that you announced at the summit that the 7th ed. of TGM will be published soon, any details you can add?...i know folks have wondered about if/what changes have been made, when the release date will be, will there be a searchable electronic format available (my biggest hope!:), and what the cost will be...thanks in advance for any info!

I second the above posts. Hopefully, you will remain active on this board and contribute so that there will be solid information and not rumors.

Welcome again.

Brian Manzella


It was an honor and a pleasure to be a presenter at the First Golfing Machine Summit.

You really ran a GREAT show, and I have told everyone here on the board the same.

I know you are busy, but please come visit us here and answer a question or two.

Thanks again!
Welcome Joe,

If you have time, you should come here more often to "inform and explain", and I should be sitting here to "absorb and apply".

Ladies and Gentlemen of Brian's Forum.

Thank you for the kind reception and warm welcome to this Forum, I am honored. You as members of this forum are truely the beginning of the resurgance of The Golfing Machine. I have heard from Mrs. Kelley that one of Homer's dreams was to have all golfers exposed to The Golfing Machine and its information, whether or not they take advantage of the informtion. As G.O.L.F.ers whether Amateur or Professional, going about your pattern blindly or guided, with the assistance of an Authorized Instructor or without, thank you for helping Mr. Kelley's dream become a reality.

As time allows I will reply to the above questions, for now however its off to W.O.R.K. I go.


My question for Joe. Welcome Mr. Daniels to the forum. I hope to see the 7th Ed in the future, I will be first in line to get mine. (recommend spiral bound version...hint, hint). Anyway, I would love to see the forum come back on line at your site (TGM). Maybe you could put back up archives of the old forum for the folks that are new to TGM (me). I think it would be an invaluable resource for all TGMers. Just a thought. By the way, I love this forum but I think more forums the better when it comes to TGM.

Remember, bring it up, and they will join.
Joe, nice to see you posting here. I met you in Huntsville Alabama at Richland Golf Center and the 2 Day seminar on TGM, Billy McDonald was also there. I have heard there is a new release of the Golfing Machine scheduled. Is there a time frame for the release?\

Raymond Moore (moorejr)
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