Thanks to this forum

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I have been lurking on this forum for over a year, and haven't posted much. However, during that time I have learned so much from Bryan and others' insightful comments. I had been struggling to stop my flip for quite some time now. I developed the flip over 30 years of playing golf (started playing when I was eight), and I have found that it is very hard to break old habits. Anyway, using Bryan's "Flipper" video, I am finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am going through periods where I am clearly not flipping anymore. For a long time flipper it is an amazing experience. The ball contact is incredible (with this amazing click sound). Then the ball goes distances I could never imagine. I was hitting 210 yard 4-irons at the range the other day. I used to hit my 4-iron about 180 yards. I have found that keeping my head back through impact (axis tilt) is definitely a key. I learned this through Bryan's pitch drill from "flipper." When I didn't keep my head back, I would shank a lot. However, in my efforts to keep it back, I occasionally leave my weight on my back foot, thus promoting a reverse pivot through impact, and an over-the-top move. Anyone got any ideas on how to walk and chew gum at the same time?? How do I make sure my weight transfers properly every time, but still leave my head back (to have good axis tilt)?????

Thanks again, Bryan! This is a wonderful site!



WOW, I could not have said it better myself, I really appreciate all the knowledge and help at this forum, thank you Brian. I too am hitting my irons and woods way farther than I could, the other day I hit my driver and the ball hit the back fence about 15 feet from the ground[:0], before if I was lucky it would roll up to the fence, and I can actually hit the 3 iron as well, I always thought that club was dead weight in my bag, but now I can hit that too :D.
Actually, that is one possibility. I have played the ball a bit too far back in the past (near the middle of my stance), and following Bryan's flipper video, I have moved it farther forward in my stance. I may be reverting back sometimes. I should keep an eye on that.



I agree!! Eliminating the Flip really improves ball contact and distance, especially for the irons. Now if I can just ingrain that proper feeling of doing it right. Bryan's drills on "flipper" are just terrific!


I just wish I found this site sooner, like 10 years ago [8)], but its been great, I read the little yellow book, but Brians way of explaining things makes it so much easier to understand

Brian Manzella

Thanks guys!

I have always said that the devil is in the details, and the golf will go to the guy who can make sense out if it, not recite it.
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