Brian Manzella
I have been teaching golf for 24 years.
One of the best things about this job is some of the people that I have taught and now count as freinds.
CEO's, Ryder Cuppers, etc.
But—without a doubt—the biggest KICK I have ever got from this job is teaching juniors who have grown up to be Golf Pros.
The ALL-STAR team, Mike Finney, Tom Bartlett, Chris Hamburger and Brent White, is a foursome of world-class knowledge and ability.
These guys are my best pals and proof that I can't be all bad as a teacher.
The five of us make up a group that would be hard to beat in a scramble, tough to debate on ANY golf topic, next-to-impossible to out-teach, but ABSOLUTELY unmatched in two catogories:
Telling Golf Stories and Golf Trivia.
Trust me, If you like to laugh, listening to this group wax on about Stan Stopa, Don Villavaso, each other—or even Brent's pal William Benjamin Hogan—would make for the all-time funniest Podcast or Hotel ballroom bull session.
As far as trivia goes: go get your four best pals and head to the bank.
As luck would have it, I was on the phone with Mike, Tom and Brent—FOUR-WAY—this evening before my $650 cellphone went dead.
As only our pal Stan Stopa could say—"Ahhhh Balls!"
One of the best things about this job is some of the people that I have taught and now count as freinds.
CEO's, Ryder Cuppers, etc.
But—without a doubt—the biggest KICK I have ever got from this job is teaching juniors who have grown up to be Golf Pros.
The ALL-STAR team, Mike Finney, Tom Bartlett, Chris Hamburger and Brent White, is a foursome of world-class knowledge and ability.
These guys are my best pals and proof that I can't be all bad as a teacher.
The five of us make up a group that would be hard to beat in a scramble, tough to debate on ANY golf topic, next-to-impossible to out-teach, but ABSOLUTELY unmatched in two catogories:
Telling Golf Stories and Golf Trivia.
Trust me, If you like to laugh, listening to this group wax on about Stan Stopa, Don Villavaso, each other—or even Brent's pal William Benjamin Hogan—would make for the all-time funniest Podcast or Hotel ballroom bull session.
As far as trivia goes: go get your four best pals and head to the bank.
As luck would have it, I was on the phone with Mike, Tom and Brent—FOUR-WAY—this evening before my $650 cellphone went dead.
As only our pal Stan Stopa could say—"Ahhhh Balls!"