The Brian Manzella Show! ...suggestions?..

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Brian Manzella


My own show.

The Brian Manzella Show

Right on the web.

About 40 minutes of GREAT golf infomation and entertainment.


Segments include:
This week's lesson (highlights of a real live lesson).
The Super tip.
An Interview.
What's new (or important) in equipment.

The show will be available right here, as a Windows Media file in three speeds of streaming and the download option (Just like the new video shorts, except Window Media only)


I promise, it'll be good, fun and the BEST value of all time.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I think many people would really benefit on learning how to swivel correctly from that flat left wrist at impact so they don't push shots out to the right. I know when i get too stiff i don't roll enough and i leave them out to the right.


swivel, aiming point, extensor action


sums up quite a lot, doesn't it ;)

I agree with Jim, the #1 thing 'most' higher handicaps need to learn to do first - full roll - add in aiming point and you've got the 'down'

I'd love to see a good summary of pressure points (beyond your lag article, my personal favorite btw). If you can feel the pressure points in your hands, you've 'got it'
US Masters commentary would be nice - before or after the fact. Especially if there are any odd/special performances by the athletes.


Brian Manzella

I got a couple of emails about the "Manzella Show" that wanted to know if it was just audio.

No, it is a "TV" type show done in video.

quote:Originally posted by brianman

I got a couple of emails about the "Manzella Show" that wanted to know if it was just audio.

No, it is a "TV" type show done in video.


of course. Brian likes face time. :)
How about a weekly interview with better players explaining the development og their swings, setup, swingthoughts, swingfeels etc.


I know you have an instructional article on this already, but I'd like to see a show, or video short, on the setup.

What procedure do you do? Do you set up something like a hitting station with a tee so you know where the ball is supposed to be placed and how do you check your posture?


Yea I need to figure out how to swivel also so its good that will be the next video short. As for the tv show how about the drill to aquire more snap?
Maybe not for everyone, but I'd like to see you take the Grip .. I'd like to see how much your grip favours the 'palm or fingers'.
I know you feel that the left heel should be on top (obviously), but you can have a palm or finger grip with this and I wondered your thoughts.


Grab a hacker, who slices and has an OTT move with pronounced throwaway, and within 40 minutes have him/her hit slight draws. Most videos look more like demonstrations where pros and excellent golfers go through the motions flawlessly. I like to see someone actually TEACH someone on video.
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