The drunk is ballooning my wedges.......

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Throwing the drunk is money for my longer clubs, but it causing a very high shot with the 9 iron, pw and sw, enough to lose a club in distance.

What gives???
Throwing that dude off gives you more axis tilt. Perhaps this amount of axis tilt doesn't allow you to get enough shaft lean with the wedges?

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
ltl gave the right answer. More axis tilt may not be what you need with the short irons, especially if it is not helping you hit it better.
the guy may be swaying away from the target and staying there, so getting "stacked" might not be that bad an advice.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
getting stacked isn't the answer. The answer is to simply not lean so far right on the backswing and also not create AS MUCH tilt on the downswing.

Try this: stand a bit closer to the ball, don't bend over to far from your hips, and don't put the too far foward in your stance.
Can you explain throwing the drunk off your back move? Might help me with understanding your question.

Andrew , I play everything too far back but I think I am getting it back and hitting down too much. I actually tried staying steadier today with good results but I was only able to hit a few shots playing with my 7 yr old. I played with a buddy a couple of days ago that is about the same iron as me, into the wind he was a full club longer, what that did was allow him to hit it higher into our hard greens that were tucked. Most low capers can play knock downs but to hit a high solid iron that does not spin too much is a result of some kind of swing that I need help with . Too me it looks as if he is going at it hard but with very little spin.
Just an obvious thought,

What is the condition of your irons?....I know one old pro who useed to like playing with a "sand-scratched" wedge, because he swore it gave more backspin...

And the other thing, can you not try different ball (less initial rotation)?...

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Just an obvious thought,

What is the condition of your irons?....I know one old pro who useed to like playing with a "sand-scratched" wedge, because he swore it gave more backspin...

And the other thing, can you not try different ball (less initial rotation)?...

It does actually, the type of face surface a wedge has is the #1 determinate of spin all things else being equal.

That's why some of those "inserts" on the diamond wedges are illegal.
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