The effects of playing the wrong length clubs?

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Brian and others: Does using the wrong length clubs have an effect on developing swing faults? Are there tendencies you get from using ill fitting equipment? If so what are they for

Too long clubs

Too short clubs



Lots of problems here. Length is a biggie because it immediately effects some of the most important foundations of the swing, namely the setup. I have a friend that plays with me and he uses his grandfather's old set. His grandfather was a tall guy, and so is my friend but his posture sucks. Why? Because his clubs are so short he has to lean over a ton to get set to the ball. The result? He has a hard time making a decent shoulder turn.

If you can't get set over the ball properly, I don't know anyone can make a decent swing without making a ton of compensations. Also, with the launch monitor and other fitting equipment we know more about the swing than ever before. I just want to feel comfortable and balanced over the ball. In my opinion, a logical first step in order to achieve that is to have the proper length shafts that are good for you, and not what some company madates as 'standard.'
Talk about the IRONS only, as driver would be slightly different.

Each inch plus or minus, would have an affect of 2 degree of lie angle change in iron.
With a pitching wedge in 100yds each degree change will give you of a variation of 7 foot.

Apart from accessing the posture, you would have to test it outside on a lie board too.

Driver length would have less affect to lie angle change, as to the loft and the club design. You can be 5 ft 4 and hitting a 46" driver, provide that you can hit it straight as well as a correct trajectory.
But definately you won't be holding a 38" pitching wedge if you a 5ft 4.
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