The finish swivel.

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Brian Manzella

What is more important to alignment golf--
A flat left wrist through impact or hinge action?

Can you produce PERFECT clubface alignment at impact and through the follow-through (Hinge Action) and then full-roll the left arm with the wrist still flat?

Can you hit a fade with the so-called "over-roll"?

Do you really understand the golf swing if you can't maintain a VISUALLY flat left wrist through impact?

Tom Bartlett

My question is. If you need a flat left wrist to hinge correctly why after that would you want to bend your left wrist? Why not maintain a flat left wrist once you have one until the end of the swing?


Another question, if the lead wrist is flat or slightly bowed at impact, and flat at seperation, why does it need to be flat past seperation?
The imperative is Flat @ impact.


quote:Originally posted by cdog

Another question, if the lead wrist is flat or slightly bowed at impact, and flat at seperation, why does it need to be flat past seperation?
The imperative is Flat @ impact.
Steve: Because to go from flat left wrist/ bent back right wrist at impact to a release of right wrist bend prior to both arms being straight there would have to be some throwaway going on and a loss of lag pressure through impact.
This may be way off the point, but the "over-roll" helps me to not "chiken wing" it as well as ensuring I have a flat left wrist.
I say...whatever works best FOR YOU...



One question:


Do you teach a Hor. Hinge BOTH ways? Does one work better most of the time?

Brian Manzella

I teach the following "swivels":

1. Full roll with a FLAT LEFT WRIST
2. Clubface back on plane with whatever wrist it takes
3. Gather up the marbles (like Tiger's new cut shot).
4. Entirely customized

I teach NONE OF THE ABOVE with anything more than HORIZONTAL HINGE ACTION, except!!!:

For a golfer who need to learn to hit it straight, while turning the face of the club down with a flat left wrist as soon as possible.

Brian Manzella

As far as The "perverted swivel," we had a compettion at my OKLAHOMA CITY school this Friday.

First person to hit the pin from 50-yards and wind up with the clubface pointing at the ground wins.

3 or 4 minutes was all it took for a 15 handicapper to do it, and his friend said "That's the first time he EVER rotated his left arm in his life."

A perfect looking, dead-straight pitch, one bounce and BAM!

I didn't have the heart to tell him that "IT really doesn't work."
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