The Golf School Myth.

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Brian Manzella

At the Brian Manzella Golf Academy, we give private lessons, group classes, corporate outings, produce videos, operate this forum, do TV tips for the Tourist Network, producing a LIVE weekly show this year, AND.....

We do Golf Schools.


What we really do is give our students an UNHEARD OF 2 to 1 ratio, and then actually only do the 2:1 in the Short Game Sessions and during Playing Lessons, where it is possible to cover similar ground with different golfers.

We give our students PRIVATE LESSONS on day one of our two day schools.


There are several new "start up" golf schools in the last year or so, and at least a couple starting up this year.

My prediction: They'll fall flat on there face.


Group full swing instruction is a joke.

Golf Digest Schools went BANKRUPT with pretty good teachers, who in the end were teaching pretty good info, and had all the free advertising in the world.


Folks did the math.

When golfers figured out you could pay a Ben Doyle or a Brian Manzella the same money as a school, and get one-on-one lessons, the schools dried up.

Sure, some regionals exist, and John Jacobs does a "budget" type school, but for the most part, folks WANT AND NEED one-on-one instruction.

They get that with our "Schools"

The fundamental thing about group lessons (all most schools really are) is that if you can't afford the instructor for a one-on-one, you might pay less for a group.

For instance, in Louisville, I am booked solid at $150 an hour. But, you can take my "Building Blocks" group class—six 70 minutes classes—for about the cost of one private.

Get it?

The funny thing is, "teachers" who have NEVER HAD an overflow of private lessons and don't charge that much, and some who have never taught for a living, are doing schools.

No chance.

The Brian Manzella Golf Academies for 2008 will include a couple stops on Long Island, Baltimore, and at least four other locations. The Manzella TOUR STOPS (Private lesson tour) will also have several locations this year, as we did last.

We'll announce the dates and particulars soon.


My goal this year is to either get lessons from Ben Doyle or see Brian if he makes a West Coast swing.

Hi Brian,

Glad to see your are getting near the end on the house project.

I would definitly be interested in some time with you in Baltimore this year. Looking forward to seeing the dates.


Yup, I would definitely be interested if you came back the DC, MD, VA area.

Thanks again for all you and your guys do on this site.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I'm glad someone has the stones to say this. I've been saying schools are a rip because I also think group full swing info is ridiculous. But i just get nasty looks. Hardly any two people need the same info. Brian's schools are the best, bar none.


NC or Myrtle Beach

My vote is for southeastern NC, Pinehurst, or Myrtle Beach. Please let me know.
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