The golf student

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What makes a good student? How can students get the most out of a lesson ?
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See if you can video tape the lesson. If not take good notes. Better yet.... take notes and video tape it.

Most important.....if you have a question ask it. Don't be afraid of asking a "dumb" question.
First understand if you are a patient or a student....patients do not make good students.

If you are a student you will realize there is something new to learn and that you can learn it.

Go about learning it step by step, don't rush. Live the learning process, do not hope that it happens.

Feel free to think on your own and as curtisj76 said...don't be afraid to ask questions. Thinking is important in golf as long as it is moving toward understanding. Understanding minimizes thinking.

To best learn, know how you learn best.

Be honest with yourself and have a good sense of humor...for that is the only thing that makes self-investigation bearable.:D

Brian Manzella

Two kinds of students...

Those who will check their grip, and those who won't.

Be the former, pick a good teacher, practice, and play for something and BY THE RULES every chance you can. Practice AND play, then practice again.

Putt and chip until your back gets sore.

You'll be a single digit before your hairline moves much.
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