The Golfing Machine 7th Edition

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Your video response to your recent critics was very gracious. It seems that Mr. Kelley's book has become the "bible" to certain TGM true believers. As with all faithful apostles, there is only one true way and those who disagree are heretics. With TGM's 24 components and their myriad of combinations, announcing the discovery of the one true swing, is like stating that there is only correct interpretation of the prophesies of Nostradamus. I'm looking forward to attending your school as soon as time permits
Whenever I get TGM information/misinformation overload I go right to the source.
The video clip of HK swinging on Lynn's website. Clears the mind.
shefield said:
Your video response to your recent critics was very gracious. It seems that Mr. Kelley's book has become the "bible" to certain TGM true believers. As with all faithful apostles, there is only one true way and those who disagree are heretics. With TGM's 24 components and their myriad of combinations, announcing the discovery of the one true swing, is like stating that there is only correct interpretation of the prophesies of Nostradamus. I'm looking forward to attending your school as soon as time permits

I think the Imperatives, laws and principles will always hold up. These have applied since golf first began. The 24 components are the sameness that each of us has in our golf swings. I also think that Kelley wanted the G.S.E.D. 's to have imagination and inventiveness. The book is not an "ever thing you always wanted to know about golf". It is missing much explanation. You need a G.S.E.D. to really put it together for the individual golfer. We sometimes think that if we read the book that we'll have insight enough to "go it alone". No way. That would take more than a lifetime.
I'm doin pretty well going at er alone.....but then again, I can hop on my computer any time I want and ask Brian any question I want too.
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