In Hogan's grip, he stressed the right index finger and thumb stay pressed together, thus creating the 'trigger'.
The tip of your right index finger, of the 'trigger' can be used as a guide which PP3 will follow into the inside back corner of the ball, downplane through the base line, into the ground - just like you had a hammer and its 'face' was the tip of the trigger, the index finger.
Get a hammer in your right hand, then translate that feel to the tip of the right index finger.
When you get the feel for this, you will notice the lead hand pinky, the lead hand index finger, the 'interlock point' (if you interlock, also known as the 'rotation point and mirror point') will all be 'on plane' and 'on paralell tracks'.
Or for those that have Brian's tape, the "Texas Longhorns" will be on paralell, on plane tracks.
More like an uppercut punch, but similar to skipping a rock, very similar in that the 'tip of the trigger' is your guide.
post impact you can either bend/arch (mirror point) or swivel (rotation point)
Either way, the feel is that the index finger of the lead hand is the same motion as a left handed frisbee throw, and the tip of the right index finger is your guide to send PP3 downplane through the inside back corner.
Hogan had a few big keys, a few big secrets. Plane. The right knee and the tip of the right index finger, the left thumb. Lag pressure. The arch of the left wrist, page 102 of 5 lessons, pure swinging of the club and pure balance. Downplane, into the dirt.