The kinetic chain

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Ok, I bought confessions and have been trying to have my pivot power everything. I understand how to use the pivot and i'm trying to train it. The problem is i can do it left handed. nice forward leaning shaft, straight divot, and my arm comes to rest so i know im not adding with the left arm/hand. I do some right hand only hits and there not as good. When i put both hands on the club and try to make the same swing i did with my left, instant flip.

Anybody know how i can fix this right arm participation or getting my right hand not to straighten?
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Ok, I bought confessions and have been trying to have my pivot power everything. I understand how to use the pivot and i'm trying to train it. The problem is i can do it left handed. nice forward leaning shaft, straight divot, and my arm comes to rest so i know im not adding with the left arm/hand. I do some right hand only hits and there not as good. When i put both hands on the club and try to make the same swing i did with my left, instant flip.

Anybody know how i can fix this right arm participation or getting my right hand not to straighten?

You might like to spend some range time practising your swing BUT letting go of the club with your right hand immediately prior to impact. Or, at the very least, loosening your right hand grip to the point where it is simply going along for the ride.
When you guys say the hands and arms just go along for the ride, do you mean you keep them stiff or you just keep them passive let them do what they want to do and the pivot will make the alignments come naturally.
Ok, I bought confessions and have been trying to have my pivot power everything. I understand how to use the pivot and i'm trying to train it. The problem is i can do it left handed. nice forward leaning shaft, straight divot, and my arm comes to rest so i know im not adding with the left arm/hand. I do some right hand only hits and there not as good. When i put both hands on the club and try to make the same swing i did with my left, instant flip.

Anybody know how i can fix this right arm participation or getting my right hand not to straighten?

I struggle with this a lot. The only thing that helps me....and I am not saying this is I imagine someone is holding a golf club in front of my left leg. The club is parallel and even to my toe line and extends from my left toes to the target. The club is even with my hands. I get the feeling that I have to slide both of my hands slide onto that club from the top of my back swing. For me this does two things. It keeps my right hand from turning over too fast and it forces me to pivot to get my right hand on the imaginary club because I can't physically make that move without pivoting. This is very similar to Brian’s idea of feeling like you are throwing a javelin underhanded. This is hard to explain so sorry if this doesn’t make much sense. Works for me though.
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When you guys say the hands and arms just go along for the ride, do you mean you keep them stiff or you just keep them passive let them do what they want to do and the pivot will make the alignments come naturally.

"Going along for the ride" in my parlance means taking no active part.

You have a choice of taking the hand off the club immediately prior to impact or of loosening the grip to the extent that it cannot have any influence - i.e open the middle two the fingers on your right hand.

We are talking in practise sessions only here. Practise these things until you can override the right hand's attempted domination.

That is what I am working on just now. Most, if not all, of my horror stories are caused by the right hand taking over as I approach impact.

There is also a spin off benefit and that is pivot related. Left hand only swings really help to ingrain a full pivot motion.
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