The Latest on Brian Manzella....

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Brian Manzella

Hi folks!

I just got internet accesss here in Louisville at my Mom and Brother's apartment.

I have given a few lessons since I arived in Louisville on Tuesday, and have spent all of the rest of the time getting my family settled.

We are almost there.

My wife Lisa is in New Orleans, part of the corps of people getting downtown New Orleans up and running.

I will return to New Orleans/Reserve on Sunday and will be doing a private school in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

I have many calls still to return and loads of details to cover, but I will be able to post some more statrting today.

Thanks for all of your support and thanks for keeping the forum moving....:)

I'll "talk at 'ya" tonight.



Glad you are OK Brian. I have not been on the internet since Canton but am now back in the UK. The trip to ther school was great for me and I am working hard on making the changes you and others suggested. I learned many things that I could not have found out left to my own devices. Thanks

Brian Manzella

Great to hear from you John (HUE)....

I spent yesterday and will spend today, rummaging through my battered house.....yuk.....

I will fly to Michigan tomorrow to teach a private school....

Sorry I haven't had time to post, everyone.
Hi John,

Great to see you posting again. Hope your G.O.L.F. is progressing well.

You're in Richmond, right? I'm up for a round if you're interested...send me a email.



Leo, I am with my friend who is doing first round qualifying for the European Tour at Chart Hills this week. It finishes Thursday. So it won't be this week . He shot level par today . From what I learned in Georgia it is obvious he needs help with his swing. His short game and putting saved him today. Brian: Have you had a chance to look at the tape I gave you?

Glad you made it back to England OK. Have you been able to practice and put your knew knowledge to the test?

Caddying for your friend trying to pass his PAT and now on the Eurotour. Sounds like you've you are in demand as a professional caddie, maybe a career shift. Who knows, if you hook up with a good player, you can make some money.

I am planning a trip to England in '06, if things work out perhaps you, me and Tongzilla could meet up for a round or 2.:)


quote:Originally posted by jpvegas1


I am planning a trip to England in '06, if things work out perhaps you, me and Tongzilla could meet up for a round or 2.:)
Great. If I am in the UK I will be up for it see you then.
BTW: it was a real treat meeting you and Leo in Canton. You both have great swings and are great guys that love golf. Hope to see you again.


quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

BTW: it was a real treat meeting you and Leo in Canton. You both have great swings and are great guys that love golf. Hope to see you again.
Thank you. My swing LOOKED better than it was. Now thanks to Brian and the other Canton instructors it is improving .
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