The power of not trying?!

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After I posting my swing video last week and trying to process everyone's feedback, I headed out to the range for my weekly practice session with great optimism.

Trying very hard to do a proper pivot and have correct arm action through impact, I managed to hit a full bucket of miserable shots. The video looked as bad as the results.

I deleted the files and was about to leave, discouraged, when I thought I'd try taking a video of me doing Brian's divot-extending drill from "Confessions."

All I thought about was taking my hands back so that I could come forward to dig some grass out at the front of the divot.

When I sat down to take a look, here is what I saw:

For Windows Media
For Quicktime

I realize for some they would be horrified, but this seems to me to the best looking swing I've ever seen me make. Am I on the right track or am I deluding myself?

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After I posting my swing video last week and trying to process everyone's feedback, I headed out to the range for my weekly practice session with great optimism.

Trying very hard to do a proper pivot and have correct arm action through impact, I managed to hit a full bucket of miserable shots. The video looked as bad as the results.

I deleted the files and was about to leave, discouraged, when I thought I'd try taking a video of me doing Brian's divot-extending drill from "Confessions."

All I thought about was taking my hands so that I could come forward to dig some grass out at the front of the divot.

When I sat down to take a look, here is what I saw:

For Windows Media
For Quicktime

I realize for some they would be horrified, but this seems to me to the best looking swing I've ever see me make. Am I on the right track or am I deluding myself?

What's to be horrified about?
The swing is not ugly nor is it, from what I can see and hear, ineffective.

We are not all blessed with the talent or athleticism to make a "pretty" swing BUT we are all capable of making an effective swing AND THAT IS WHAT SCORES AT GOLF.

Continue with your efforts to hone the effectiveness of your swing. On this evidence you are on the way to achieving your goals.

Good luck.
I feel it too :(
I can do Brians divot drill really quite well. But put a ball in front of me and it is just not the same. I think I need to close my eyes :)
If I need more forward lean....and a more forward Aiming Point.....I will put a little weight forward.....


"drop and pivot."


I'll explain:

From the top....feel like you DROP the club (rather than just PULLING)......and then gets your left shoulder UP thru Impact to supply the UUMPH.




Swing a club and take a divot, then from the same spot try to hit the front edge of the divot and make the divot longer.
but add in float loading exercise...

if you drag the clubhead back so that the clubhead touches the rear of the divot then helps in learning float loading with chip pitch technique. Set up the lag with float loading and sustain it into forward swing whilst extending front edge of divot.

It is in "confessions of a former flipper"


cause v.s. effect

"taking my hands back so that I could come forward to dig some grass out at the front of the divot".

Seems like a good intent, which has literally nothing to do with the mechanics.
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