Watching the Charles Barkley project got me thinking about what the problem is, when working with a method teacher.
It seems to me that is what happens whenever you work for a long time with a method teacher To get the same feeling that you are performing the method you have to exaggerate the method more and more.
Years ago, I saw Curtis Strange at an outing, and someone asked him why he switched from Ballard to Leadbetter when he won two opens working with Ballard. He essentially said that in order to get the feeling that he was doing what Ballard was teaching he was having to exagerate the move more and more so that eventually he was moving well off the ball. That to me summed up the problem of working with a teacher that has a "method" for making a golf swing.
It seems to me that is what happens whenever you work for a long time with a method teacher To get the same feeling that you are performing the method you have to exaggerate the method more and more.
Years ago, I saw Curtis Strange at an outing, and someone asked him why he switched from Ballard to Leadbetter when he won two opens working with Ballard. He essentially said that in order to get the feeling that he was doing what Ballard was teaching he was having to exagerate the move more and more so that eventually he was moving well off the ball. That to me summed up the problem of working with a teacher that has a "method" for making a golf swing.