The 'Real' Backswing

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I can not tell you guys how much getting a more 'in' handpath has improved my contact. I have not hit a shot off the heel since May and for me that is sayin alot. Now, I still get underplane sometimes, but the contact is still 1000% better than it ever was even on a bad shot. I am just amazed at how much this has helped as I am 1 full club longer on every iron than I was 6months ago.

I hope to get some vid from my casio up after the holidays.
was there a thread you had previous to what you meant or changed by the more ''in'' handpath? seems i tend to heel hit with short wedges. guess i need to lag the sweetspot more than the hosel?
Do you use the "more in" backswing all the way to the top like the Soft Draw backswing to cross the line a little?

I need to continue working on this too, but I tend to be above plane and have to feel below plane on the downswing. Crossing the line at the top helps me to "feel" under plane.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Getting the hands in, and keeping them in and then left thru the ball WILL get you out from under the plane and get that contact off the heel.
i can only speak for myself but, I feel my left shoulder and core turning and almost dragging the club to the inside and up.
I'd love to hear more on this subject. Jbrunk, can you give some details on the change in your hand path? Kevin, can you give some more details on keeping the hands "in" - maybe some reference points.

Heel impact on my driver is killing my game. I hit more drives short and right due to dead heel impacts than anything else. It killed my game this year. I struggle with being underplane, but I thought that was caused by my hands being too inside. I thought the idea was to get the hands more up than in. Any info would be much appreciated.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I'd love to hear more on this subject. Jbrunk, can you give some details on the change in your hand path? Kevin, can you give some more details on keeping the hands "in" - maybe some reference points.

Heel impact on my driver is killing my game. I hit more drives short and right due to dead heel impacts than anything else. It killed my game this year. I struggle with being underplane, but I thought that was caused by my hands being too inside. I thought the idea was to get the hands more up than in. Any info would be much appreciated.

Having the hands in (combines with a few other components) allows you to turn the club back out to the ball. Out hands forces you to dump the club underneath the wrist. Thats fine if you downarch the left wrist like David Toms or Tom Watson but most will just under wipe it or flick hook it from there.

For a certain pattern that helps alot of people, i like to see the hands move in and up. Then at the top, imagine ur hands slide down a wall while you work the clubhead off the wall. Then work your hand path inside a vertical line from your chin through the ball
For a certain pattern that helps alot of people, i like to see the hands move in and up. Then at the top, imagine ur hands slide down a wall while you work the clubhead off the wall. Then work your hand path inside a vertical line from your chin through the ball.

Ok, interesting and I do understand the difficulty in describing something like this. I have two questions.

1. What is the orientation and location of the wall? Parallel or perpendicular to the target line? Where is it located?

2. The vertical line from your chin through the ball seems to be an impossibility unless your chin is directly over the ball. Maybe you mean a straight line or plane.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
The wall is a just an image. It would be parallel to the target line and placed at a spot where your hands would be.

For a longer club like a driver, sure. But underplaners need to be more "over" the ball and you definately can work your hands under your chin. Its hard but doable. the trick is finding a way to fit them in there. Left hip moves further away from the ball then it was at address for humping the goat.
I'd love to hear more on this subject. Jbrunk, can you give some details on the change in your hand path? Kevin, can you give some more details on keeping the hands "in" - maybe some reference points.

Heel impact on my driver is killing my game. I hit more drives short and right due to dead heel impacts than anything else. It killed my game this year. I struggle with being underplane, but I thought that was caused by my hands being too inside. I thought the idea was to get the hands more up than in. Any info would be much appreciated.

It's nothing that special, just a Soft Draw pattern backswing. The hands almost brush my right thigh on the way back and the right elbow stays above the left well into the backswing.
Thanks to both of you. Sometimes it's just a little change that can make a huge difference.

Humping the goat? another phrase for the glossary
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