The Release - TourStriker

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
No, because the new release still incorporates forward lean and SOME down. Remember, while there is a lot in that thread just takeaway we are trying to still achieve some forward lean with some down and for the better players their normal amount of forward lean and similar down.
My confusion lies in the fact that practicing with the Tour Striker, using their instructions, promotes increased shaft lean. I am striking the ball extremely well incorporating the Release in my swing. It would appear that going back to practicing with the Tour Striker would be counter productive.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
My confusion lies in the fact that practicing with the Tour Striker, using their instructions, promotes increased shaft lean. I am striking the ball extremely well incorporating the Release in my swing. It would appear that going back to practicing with the Tour Striker would be counter productive.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I think your confusion comes from the fact that you may be associating "shaft lean" with "downward angle of attack." They are mutually exclusive, you can have forward lean and still come into the ball at a shallow angle or angle of attack.


Half of the "The Release" near impact is having the hands go up, with the low point near the right leg. Reconcile that with the notions of hitting down and forward shaft lean...
To much theory and not enough "how" is leaving lots of people confused. Its one thing to say the hand path and such is like this with all good players its another thing getting there which is what people just are grasping at.


New member
To much theory and not enough "how" is leaving lots of people confused. Its one thing to say the hand path and such is like this with all good players its another thing getting there which is what people just are grasping at.

You must be talking about TGM.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
To much theory and not enough "how" is leaving lots of people confused. Its one thing to say the hand path and such is like this with all good players its another thing getting there which is what people just are grasping at.

Michael and Brian have both said none of the information is "instructional" yet; however I'm sure they have been teaching it as have I. While there is a lot of technical stuff in that big thread the main thing you need to take away from it (imo) are the following:

1) Learn to hit the ball with forward lean but take bacon strip divots, not pork chops
2) Not worry about what the club/wrist does after impact, let it bend/roll do whatever it wants.


Michael and Brian have both said none of the information is "instructional" yet; however I'm sure they have been teaching it as have I. While there is a lot of technical stuff in that big thread the main thing you need to take away from it (imo) are the following:

1) Learn to hit the ball with forward lean but take bacon strip divots, not pork chops
2) Not worry about what the club/wrist does after impact, let it bend/roll do whatever it wants.

Yup, take it from a pork chop divot taker, converting to a bacon strip divot is TOUGH! but not impossible. I have done it a few times but my pork chop divots come back. Right now Im working on the short irons, these are pork chop divots, and having some success. Im concentrating on just brushing the grass, intead of driving the ball into the ground.
Yup, take it from a pork chop divot taker, converting to a bacon strip divot is TOUGH! but not impossible. I have done it a few times but my pork chop divots come back. Right now Im working on the short irons, these are pork chop divots, and having some success. Im concentrating on just brushing the grass, intead of driving the ball into the ground.

I don't take much of a divot and definitely get that Fred Couples look past impact with a pretty much vertical shaft at impact....Why am I only a 6 handicap with those dynamics (short game saves me thank god)?
I don't take much of a divot and definitely get that Fred Couples look past impact with a pretty much vertical shaft at impact....Why am I only a 6 handicap with those dynamics (short game saves me thank god)?

i like to take divots with my shorter just feels good
I don't take much of a divot and definitely get that Fred Couples look past impact with a pretty much vertical shaft at impact....Why am I only a 6 handicap with those dynamics (short game saves me thank god)?

That's kind of a loaded question. I've seen your swing and it doesn't look anything like Fred Couples. No offense. Plus comparing your dynamics to that of tour player, especially one like Fred Couples is pretty silly. There's way more to scoring then what your divot looks like. By vertical shaft at impact, do you mean from a face on perspective?
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Again don't get confused, you still take divots with your irons; they are just shallower then they probably USED to be.

Jim -

Why the more shallow divot? Better club path control? I'm used to the pork chop with my 8 iron down, slice of bread thickness with my 6-7 iron and bacon strips with the 5 iron on up.


New member
I don't take much of a divot and definitely get that Fred Couples look past impact with a pretty much vertical shaft at impact....Why am I only a 6 handicap with those dynamics (short game saves me thank god)?

Good thing otherwise you might be a 15 or 20 hdcp. dragging the handle around the course.


Good thing otherwise you might be a 15 or 20 hdcp. dragging the handle around the course.

thats me, handle dragger, 15cap and enjoying it. but consider I was A 25+ capper not too long ago, but thanks to Bmanz and this forum the number is decreasing!


I don't take much of a divot and definitely get that Fred Couples look past impact with a pretty much vertical shaft at impact....Why am I only a 6 handicap with those dynamics (short game saves me thank god)?

Good ? time to get a detailed analysis of your game to see were ur leaving shots on the course.
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